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We’re the leading independent nonprofit in children’s mental health, operating three Mission Areas that work together for greater impact: Care, Education and Science.

Our clinicians provide gold-standard, evidence-based treatment to thousands of kids annually through our clinical centers and in-school programs:
Clinical centers in New York City & San Francisco Bay Area
Supported by fees for service, with financial aid available

We deliver free resources to millions of families and training to hundreds of educators each year, so more kids get the help they need:
Online Family Resource Center
Public awareness campaigns to reduce stigma
Toolkits and trainings for educators in underserved communities

Our researchers and engineers are uncovering the causes of mental health and learning disorders to develop tomorrow’s breakthrough treatments:
Advanced neuroscience and applied technology
Open Science approach
Key initiatives include the Healthy Brain Network, MatterLab, and the Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange

Ways to Give
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Help 168极速赛车官方历史记录查询结果+正规极速赛车1分钟全国历史数据记录直播 transform the lives of children struggling with mental health and learning disorders.
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