November 15, 2023

When God shows up, things start to happen. I stand on that declaration with complete assurance. When God shows up, things start to happen. Things change. You, as well as the situation, can no longer stay the same. That’s exciting because God, unlike many people we know, is both consistent and has integrity. With Him we don’t have to choose. He’s going to show up strong and mighty in the situation. He’s going to show up on time, and He’s... Read more

November 5, 2023

It’s my birthday week; Friday is the big day. I’m super excited. I always am. I’m also very reflective. I have overflowing joy and gratitude because I almost ran out of birthdays a few years ago. I am a real-life miracle, and I celebrate that every day, but especially on my birthday. As I think about all of the things I have survived—near death, near divorce, crazy work environments, crazy home environments, financial turmoil, and more. I count it a... Read more

October 29, 2023

Let me ask you a question. I want you to keep it real with me, and most importantly, keep it real with yourself. Have you been taking the long way around? We learned in school that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. They made us buy graph paper, then, at some point, they lost their minds, and they made us by graphing calculators. They taught us formulas, and if you’re like me, you filed that away... Read more

October 25, 2023

I learned something. Wanna hear it? I learned that if it ain’t a Hell Yes, then it’s a No. For years, I quoted Randy Jackson from American Idol. When he looked across the stage at something that he wasn’t feeling, he simply said, “It’s a no for me, dog.” I’m embodying that “no” more and more every day. And I have to tell you, I like what I have going on over here. I’m voting for me. And the reason... Read more

October 19, 2023

Many years ago, as a single woman, my sister shared some wisdom with me that I have to take into my marriage relationship, my ministry, and my business. She told me that a covenant is established to eradicate weakness. The word covenant has several connotations and applications, but for the purpose of this discussion, I want to look at it from the simple aspect of an agreement or pledge. The Bible tells us that “two are better than one” (Ecclesiastes... Read more

October 8, 2023

As I get back to the regular schedule of some things and a totally shifted routine of others, I have to take a moment and show some gratitude. I am grateful for the simplest joys in life- a sweet treat, a good laugh, a valuable lesson. I’ve had the pleasure to enjoy all these things over the last few days, and as I began to reflect, I smiled. Several of these moments happened under the breeze of the fan and... Read more

October 6, 2023

Andrae Crouch performs a classic gospel song called The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power. How true that is- more than you or I will ever comprehend. Before I knew it I quoted him in prayer this morning. I was calling on the Lord to soothe my doubts and calm my fears. This is yet another October where I find myself experiencing health challenges. The difference this time though is wisdom. In speaking to my sister and my Spiritual Mom... Read more

September 24, 2023

Evolution doesn’t go backwards. So when God releases you into a thing- actually when you allow Him to bring you out to the front- things are no longer the same. When the curtain is pulled back and you are realeased into the next level of your true self, your world becomes brand new. My charge to you today: Don’t let anyone dull your shine. I don’t care if it’s your mother, father, sister, brother, husband, wife, dog or cat. Your... Read more

September 17, 2023

This little light of mine is burning brighter than ever today. As I look back over the blissful summer that I’ve had I can be nothing but grateful. God orchestrated things in such a way that I could not only be useful and impactful, He did it in such a way that I could be restored. Writing this I am simply in awe of the Master of the Universe. He is so mindful of me; He loves me not just... Read more

September 10, 2023

I had to go there because of the date. Here in America the number 911 signifies a few things. As citizens we are familiar with the emergency service. Dial 911 and you can get ambulance, police or fire intervention. We can also never forget the fanatical individuals that wanted to bring our country to it’s knees on 9/11. Plotting the destruction of landmarks and murder of innocent citizens for media attention and recruitment is sick. Thirdly, we’re familiar with the... Read more

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