November 17, 2023

As a budding writer, I was drawn to the works of Hunter S. Thompson, particularly to the exploits of his infamous character, Raoul Duke. In my youthful naivety, I failed to appreciate Thompson’s brilliance and instead focused on emulating Duke’s drug-fueled escapades. And that is why I found myself in Sin City, complete with Gonzo garb and journalistic supplies. After witnessing the remnants of the legendary strip and the American dream that Hunter S. Thompson wrote about, I couldn’t help... Read more

November 6, 2023

A pilgrim tends to take the side streets and back roads, resisting the temptation to hurry. They prefer to walk instead of relying on modes of transportation like Uber or the subway. This approach enables the traveler to observe, reflect, and fully experience their surroundings. Read more

October 29, 2023

  As I reflect on the countless highways that span this vast country, there is one that stands out as the ruler of my heart – Highway One. This particular stretch of pavement played a pivotal role in my spiritual journey, serving as the starting point for the cross-country trip that would ultimately lead to Emmaus. (An encounter with Jesus.) While some road trips had specific destinations in mind, such as a cozy cabin in Pescadero or a visit to... Read more

October 18, 2023

After rushing through matins, the monk fiddled with his prayer rope before urging me to start the car. For the past twenty years, he had devoted his life to prayer and contemplation, living according to the monastic rule, and assumed he would remain an ascetic until his final breath. However, the abbot had recently assigned him a new responsibility – to take over the duties of an elderly priest. I offered to go with him to make the transition smoother.... Read more

October 13, 2023

After graduating high school, I was determined to become a writer and moved to San Francisco to attend college and immerse myself in The City’s rich literary history. I’d frequent the haunts of past scribes, hoping their intercession with the poetry gods would bring me success and recognition. (Ahh, the folly of youth!) There is a societal expectation to obtain a degree, but I often felt like an outsider in lecture halls. An inner protest began to simmer within me... Read more

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