What “Overcoming the World” Means: Part 3–Peace in the Common Ground

What “Overcoming the World” Means: Part 3–Peace in the Common Ground November 10, 2023

Constantly rejoicing in hope [because of our confidence in Christ], steadfast and patient in distress, devoted to prayer [continually seeking wisdom, guidance, and strength], contributing to the needs of God’s people, pursuing [the practice of] hospitality. Bless those who persecute you [who cause you harm or hardship]; bless and do not curse [them]. Rejoice with those who rejoice [sharing others’ joy], and weep with those who weep [sharing others’ grief]. Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty [conceited, self-important, exclusive], but associate with humble people [those with a realistic self-view]. Do not overestimate yourself. Never repay anyone evil for evil. Take thought for what is right and gracious and proper in the sight of everyone. If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. (Romans 12:12-18 AMP)


Well, it´s election season again, but really, when isn´t it? Wouldn´t it be nice to have a choice of candidates who could solve our problems instead of creating new ones? As is usually the case, Truthseekers are at a loss throughout the election process since Truth and politics are generally not found in the same place at the same time. Some of us vote defensively, some of us search in vain for a viable third-party candidate, and some of us just stay home. So, what´s a thinking person of faith and peace to do?


Well, the answer is the same thing we’ve always done.


Seek Truth in the common ground.


But how do you find common ground in a nation so divided?


I covered a lot of this over the summer in the 3 Needs the Government Can´t Meet series.   However, since it seems to me that strife and discord are continuing to ramp up significantly, I would like to focus on the concept of peace and the part we play in it.


We are called to hate what is evil and cling to what is good.  In a climate such as this, I would suggest that we focus on the clinging to the “what is good” part.


It’s too easy when emotions are running high to go from hating WHAT is evil to projecting that righteous hatred onto people, which is the line we should never cross. If the news is raising your blood pressure, watch something else. If your “friends” on social media are stirring the pot with their ignorance, get off Facebook and go put your face in a book. Better still, put your face in THE Book. Remember, all evil things will eventually pass away, and the good will remain. So why expend our energy on things that won’t last?

Election Objection


We aren’t supposed to judge people anyway, but we REALLY need to get past this judging people by whom they voted for. Since it is so rare to find a viable choice for a candidate, why should we judge someone else’s choice?


That person you’re angry at because he or she voted differently than you and is venting about it on social media—who was that person to you before the election? Did you respect him or her then? So why not now? No one’s inherent worth is diminished by a single ballot. Remember that.


A Truthseeker’s objective is to end arguments, not start them. It is not our place to try to inject moral superiority into the discussion.


For this reason, I urge patience above all. Resist the temptation to “correct” people, even if they are obviously wrong. When people are angry or upset, the lids of their minds are fastened tightly, and you aren’t going to reach them anyway.  Pray for peace and reason to return to our society, and wait patiently for this to pass, because it will. Dust can’t settle if you stir it up.


As Far as It Depends on You


Look for ways to be kind to people. The needy are still needy, so don’t forget them. Let wherever you are be the “safe space” where discussion of politics doesn’t have to happen. There are so many other things to talk about.


Don’t take the bait when some fool on the internet calls you out, directly or collectively, for how you voted and/or the motivations behind your vote. Justice is God’s job. If they have it coming to them, they will receive it in their due time. This is a good opportunity to practice forgiveness. After all, our sins are forgiven to the degree that we forgive.


I have no way of knowing who the ‟winner” of the next election will be, but there are many who will lose. I am not suggesting that the criminal element of our society that would riot and destroy and call it a “mostly peaceful protest” or a ‟large gathering” should be treated with compassion and understanding. However, all elections have consequences, and there are many people who stand to lose something dear to them in the upcoming administration, whoever wins. Be compassionate while they grieve their loss.


Where Peace is Found


Make the most of every opportunity to establish common ground with people, preferably face to face. Listen to their stories. See people as individuals and not as members of a group. Come alongside people in their difficulties. Focus on solutions rather than problems.


Pray first, and listen carefully for an answer, before presuming to dispense wisdom. When tensions run high, even the most well-meaning of advice can be perceived as an attack.


And PLEASE avoid the temptation to seek revenge, whether in word or deed. That is NEVER our job.


It is natural to feel some sense of satisfaction when the times shift in your direction after they have been against you, but it is not our place to rub anyone’s nose in their own misfortune. You will never earn someone’s respect by spiking the football. Just hand it to the official and go back to the sideline. Justice is God’s job, and part of that is righting wrongs. It will happen in His timing. Don’t force the issue.


Most importantly, it is up to you to make the first move toward peace. You will have to use your best judgment with each individual you encounter as to whether that means actively extending an olive branch or remaining silent. Things have been ugly for a while, and that shows no sign of stopping. You have a choice to make it better or make it worse.


You may not be able to single-handedly fix what’s broken in our nation, but how you treat other people is one thing that you CAN control. So stand firm, pray hard, and keep hoping for the best. It WILL get better eventually.


(‟Eventually” may or may not mean ‟in this lifetime.” We´ll discuss that more in Part 4. Make sure to click on the Free Newsletter link so you don´t miss it.)



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