Nijay’s SBL 2023 Book Picks (Biblical Themes and Hot Topics)

Nijay’s SBL 2023 Book Picks (Biblical Themes and Hot Topics) November 16, 2023

This is post #3 in a short series on books to buy at SBL this year, or if you are not going, order them for Christmas!

Today’s category is “Biblical Themes and Hot Topics,” basically a catch-all.

Humility Illuminated, Dennis Edwards

A great book from one of my favorite authors. Edwards shows his strength as both a scholar and pastor.

Demystifying Evil: A Biblical and Personal Exploration, Ingrid Faro

My colleague, friend, and a great leader. Faro tackles the complex topic of evil, but with expertise and personal stories. This book is a warning and also a comfort that the gospel is greater.

 That I May Dwell Among them: Incarnation and Atonement in the Tablernacle Narrative, Gary Anderson

Bridging Old and New Testaments, respected Notre Dame scholar Gary Anderson shows how reading the tabernacle narratives from the OT will illuminate our understanding of the incarnation and the “God with us” presence of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. This is sure to be a weighty book with a big impact.

What Hath Darwin to Do with Scripture? Comparing Conceptual Worlds of the Bible and Evolution, Dru Johnson

Fascinating interdisciplinary study from a great thinker and writer. Also: really attractive cover design, way to go IVP!



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