Why Does God Allow Suffering?

Why Does God Allow Suffering? November 3, 2023

One of the universal questions that humans ask is if God is all powerful, why does he allow suffering?  Understanding the root cause of suffering can help us put into perspective this common human experience. Knowing that there will be an anecdote to all human suffering soon, gives us a reason to endure.

While there are many reasons for suffering, the human condition is impacted by the lie told by Satan to Eve.  Jesus identifies him as the evil one and states that his purpose is to destroy.  Since the time of the fall in the garden, mankind is subject to a futility that ends in death and is filled with days of frustration and desire in between.

Because of Jesus death and resurrection, that spirit person who wanted to cause the death of all mankind has been defeated and will be crushed out of existence.  It was foretold at Genesis 3:15 and continues until the last enemy death is put under Christ’s feet. The victory will be for those who take hold of Christ’s promises.  For now, the god of this system continues to cause havoc by tempting most humans to turn away from God, make destructive choices, and cause harm to the lives of others.

The Root Cause of Suffering

Sin and suffering entered the world because of the deceit of Satan.  But Satan is not the only cause of suffering. The bible says that the wages of sin is death and that there are some choices which seem right to us but lead to death.  Poor, wrong, and misguided choices can lead to unnecessary suffering in our lives. We do well to pray daily for guidance, wisdom, and before any major decision to ensure that our actions are in line with the word of God and His will for our lives.

Sometimes the actions of others cause our suffering. We may have been born into a difficult and painful situation.  We may be just recovering from a situation in which we were in close contact with someone who did not value the life or feelings of others. People who express anger chronically, express a love of violence, and are against God should be those we spend as little time with as possible so as not to incur the consequences from associating and learning from them.

While our suffering does not go unnoticed by God, we receive great growth once we learn how to use our suffering to develop patience and help others. No one experiences life in isolation and what you have gone through, someone else would very much appreciate to hear and take comfort from. That along with our own personal growth is the reason why we are allowed to suffer and endure – to help others.

Relief From Suffering

There is happiness in Christ.  Jesus gives to us peace, not as the world gives it. He warns us what not to pursue, and tells us that if we place the Kingdom first, all of our needs will be met.  He also promises that, at the end of the age, the root cause of suffering will be removed. We will be able to look forward to life with no further threats to our well being.

Keeping our eyes on this purpose of God – to recreate the earth and the heavens and give life according to how it was originally meant to be – allows us to bear up under our struggles for the time being. We can also pray for the strength to deal with the weight knowing that we are never given more than we can bear.

Remembering that Christ came to break up the works of the evil one and to grant life so that we can enjoy it abundantly, we maintain a positive view of both the good and the bad knowing that suffering is just for a moment.


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