Wednesday Through Sunday

Wednesday Through Sunday September 21, 2023

Wednesday Through Sunday

Night breaks upon us. Sometimes fatigue at the end of the day can be mistaken for weariness. One has to make a distinction between the two. One is the common reward of a hard day’s work. The latter is a condition of the soul.

I have generally felt fatigue between Wednesdays and Sundays.

Thursday through Saturday seems like a long stretch of time with a lot of work. If I become weary and weakened in the fight, it’s during this stretch of the week.

My church meets on Sundays and Wednesdays. I wish I could go to church every day. The strength I draw from the community of faith and the relationships is an anchor.

However, I have to be real. Lately, Wednesday to Sunday is the stretch of the week I get concerned about. I don’t even have to stumble. There could just be news that affects me and/or my loved ones. Tonight a coworker confided in me. She has recently gone through a tragedy and she’s trying to recover. She’s not quite back to fully being herself. My heart goes out to her.

It’s a good thing to recognize the rhythms of your life and your week.

There have been other times when Wednesday through Sunday has been fine all the time. It’s just a little more difficult now. That’s all. I feel more vulnerable, more raw.

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I catch myself being envious of those who seem to be living a normal life. How I long for a simple, mundane life. How I wish I could step off the carousel that I seem to be on.

I catch myself recognizing when God is moving in the lives of others, and I want to see that for myself.

I catch myself missing certain people at church, wishing I could break down social barriers.

Wednesday through Sunday; it’s not working as well for me right now as I would like.

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