Tics and Tourette’s
Tics are sudden, rapid movements (like twitches or spasms) or sounds (like throat-clearing or
blurted words).

Resources for Tics and Tourette's
People don’t always realize that Tourette’s is not the only tic disorder – it’s not even the most common. From vocalizations to muscle twitches, there are many ways tics can show up. And if tics aren’t disrupting quality of life, they don’t always require treatment.
Tics and Tourette's Basics
Tics usually begin in childhood and peak in early adolescence. Some kids only have motor tics or vocal tics, while others have both.To be diagnosed with Tourette’s a child must have multiple motor tics and at least one vocal tic for more than a year.
Treatment for Tics and Tourette's
If a child is motivated to eliminate their tics, then behavioral treatment such as habit reversal therapy (HRT) or comprehensive behavioral therapy for tics (CBIT) can be effective. Even though tics feel involuntary, in time, kids can learn to manage them. In more difficult cases, medication can help.
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