Resources for Pediatricians
Get resources to pass along to families who are dealing with mental health or learning issues in children.

About Our Pediatrician Resources
We know that when parents are concerned about a child’s well-being, their first stop is often their pediatrician. And when a child is struggling emotionally, or with behavior, or in school, it may be just as concerning as an issue with their physical health.
With that in mind, we offer this selection of resources that we hope pediatricians will find useful to pass along to families who are dealing with mental health or learning issues in children. They are all free and downloadable, and written explicitly to help families support kids who are encountering problems.

Mental Health Resources for Medical Practices
To make information easily available on the most common mental health issues in children, we offer brochures for your office, in both English and Spanish, to share with the families who rely on you. Topics include ADHD, anxiety, autism, depression, dyslexia, selective mutism, and tics and Tourette’s.
With anxiety so common in children, parents need help identifying when it’s outside the normal range. We provide information on anxiety types, coping tips, and specific associated behaviors.
ADHD and Attention
Kids sometimes struggle with focus or settling down in school. We offer guidance on identifying ADHD, other causes for inattention, and how ADHD can lead to behavior issues.
When children or (more often) teenagers become down or irritable for a substantial period of time, it’s important to get them help. We explain the symptoms of depression, and how parents can support kids if they suspect they might be depressed.
Whether it’s tantrums in younger kids or defiance in teens, we offer parents guidelines for what might be causing problem behavior, how to respond most effectively, and how to know when help is needed.
Learning Disorders
To help parents of struggling learners, we break down common learning disorders, explore early and classroom signs, and highlight support strategies. We also emphasize the importance of emotional support for kids facing learning challenges.
Since children with autism benefit greatly from early intervention, it’s important for parents to recognize signs as early as possible and seek an evaluation. We offer the basics for recognizing autism, as well as things to keep in mind to get a good diagnosis for your child.
Eating Disorders
We outline the different types of eating disorders and the most effective form of treatment for them.

Check out this list of articles and guides to the most effective evidence-based treatments for common mental health disorders in children.
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