Bathroom & Bedwetting Issues
Learn about the causes and available treatment options for elimination disorders.

About Bathroom & Bedwetting Issues
For young children, bathroom troubles are often a normal part of growing up. But once kids pass potty-training age, peeing or pooping in places other than the toilet might be a sign of an underlying issue. If it involves urine, it’s called “enuresis.” If it involves feces, it’s called “encopresis.” It’s important to discuss possible causes and treatment options with your child’s pediatrician.
For young children, wetting the bed is common. But after the age of five, frequent bedwetting might be a disorder called enuresis. While kids often grow out of it once they reach their teenage years, it’s helpful for parents to know the different types of the disorder and how to manage it.
Encopresis is also known as soiling. Children who have encopresis repeatedly poop in inappropriate places, such as clothing or on the floor. Encopresis is diagnosed in children over age four.
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