Top 4 Holy Sites Off The Beaten Path

Top 4 Holy Sites Off The Beaten Path November 4, 2021

The locations where Jesus was born, traveled, preached, and crucified are known around the world. Hundreds of believers send prayers to the Holy Sites each week! But there are some sacred places where miracles also happen. Prayers can do wonders and are a means to get closer to our Lord. The purpose of this article is to get closer to some of these holy sites. Each of them has a special significance.

1. St. Peter’s Church

This Holy Site is named after Peter because here is where Peter raised Tabitha from the dead. It is an hour outside Jerusalem, in the port of Jaffa (or Joppa in the Bible). It is the same port that Jonah left from before meeting the whale.

This Roman Catholic Church is on the site where people believe Jesus was detained after the Romans arrested Him. It is one of the most sacred churches in Jerusalem commemorating the triple denial of Apostle Peter of his Master. The site also celebrates his reconciliation with Jesus after the Resurrection.

There is a golden rooster on the roof above a black cross. It recalls Christ’s prophesy that Peter would refuse him thrice “before the cock crows”. All four Gospels refer to Peter’s denial of Jesus. (Matthew 26:69-75)

You will find a dungeon under the church, which people believe is the spot where Christ was detained for the night after his arrest. The church has four distinct levels – a dungeon, guardroom, middle church, and upper church. Its art and design are a delightful mix of ancient and contemporary works.

It is a mighty site! Just today I was told of another miracle answered here! After sending her prayer request to St. Peter’s Church, God answered her prayers.

“I am now 4 weeks pregnant and couldn’t be happier. This taught me to persevere in prayer and ask others for prayers.”

2. Church of All Nations

Twelve different countries from around the world donated money for the construction of this Jerusalem church. It is one of the only churches in the world regularly used by all denominations of Christians. It is a true Church of All Nations.

The Holy Site is next to the Garden of Gethsemane. The building is in the shadow of an ancient olive grove, including the same trees that sheltered Jesus while He prayed the night before His crucifixion.

The church stands near the Mount of Olives and is constructed over the rock on which Christ is believed to have prayed. Church of All Nations and the Garden of Gethsemane, with its ancient olive trees, offer a poignant site to meditate, especially when one visits the spot at night.

It is also called the Basilica of the Agony, and its construction was completed in 1924. According to the Gospels of Mark, Luke, and Matthew, Christ and his close disciples traveled to the Mount of Olives after the famous Last Supper.

Jesus told eight of his disciples to stay together in one location and went further with John, James, and Peter. He asked these three disciples to remain awake with him when he prayed. All three of them were a witness to his Transfiguration.

There is an ambiance of sad reverence that prevails inside the church. Its architect Antonio Barluzzi left the church’s interior in partial darkness. However, subdued natural light enters through the windows to provide relief.

3. Dormition Abbey

Dormition Abbey is the perfect Holy Site to pray for strength. The church here was destroyed and rebuilt countless times! Even though the building has changed many times, the name is always the same.

‘Dormition’ means falling asleep. It is the same location where Mary fell asleep before her body and soul were taken to heaven.

The monastic church is one of the holiest churches in Jerusalem. Some prominent features of this church are its size, beauty, and location overlooking the old city.

Dormition Abbey was constructed on land, which Wilhelm, the German Emperor received from the Ottoman Sultan when the former visited the Holy Land in 1898. The German

Emperor decided to construct a large church on the plot to demonstrate the strength of his country. The building exudes the feel of a fortress.

The church has a distinct round shape, distinguishing it from most of the other churches in Jerusalem that are rectangular. It’s a central building, the surrounding towers, and the wings are round. The church has a cone-shaped dome making it stand out from many other churches of Jerusalem.

The interior of the church looks impressive, and its floor has a round and large mosaic. The mosaic signifies the connection between prophets and apostles and the Gospels’ four messengers.

We also recommend you visit Crypt, the underground hall having a statue of Mary at the center. The statue depicts Mary in her permanent sleep. Christians believe that the death of Mother Mary was different from human beings. She slept forever and went to the skies and ruled the universe with her son Christ.

4. Emmaus Nicopolis

Just outside Jerusalem, this ancient Christian city is where Jesus appeared after His resurrection and crucifixion. After His tomb was discovered empty, Christ appeared to His disciples on the road to Emmaus. It is situated about 30 km from the holy city of Jerusalem.

According to Christian traditions, two disciples were traveling to Emmaus from Jerusalem. They chanced upon a stranger and decided to share their evening meal. The disciples recognized that it was Jesus in the disguise of the stranger.

This meeting changed their hearts from sad to burning. The disciples immediately returned to Jerusalem to spread the news of Jesus Christ!

Set between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, it is the Holy Place where the disciples of Emmaus recognized Christ in the famous breaking of the bread after His resurrection in Jerusalem. It is a must-visit Holy Site for believers traveling to the Holy Land.

Today, the basilica and churches of the village are “must-see” for their exquisite art and architecture. Some highlights of this village are ancient Jewish tombs, ruins of two Basilicas, and Emmaus Nicopolis church.

Is there a personal prayer that you have in mind for one or more of these locations? Write it down and have it read out in the holy land of Jesus’ own crucifixion and resurrection. Send an online prayer request to the holy lands today.

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The Salvation Garden is a devoted prayer community tirelessly working to ensure that the gates of the Holy Land are open to all. Our aim is to connect Christians all over the world with the holy sites of Jerusalem. We inspire believers to pray to the Holy Land from the comfort of their homes.

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