September 4, 2023

Not only are religious leaders/pastors/theologians learning they are losing members, especially young people, along comes new polling revealing this finding: “Among those who plan to vote for Trump, 71% feel that what he tells them is true — higher than the results for friends and family (63%), conservative media figures (56%) or religious leaders (42%).” With those findings in mind, note this stark fact: Trump is a pathological, serial liar. Even some of his most well known cheerleaders know that.... Read more

July 19, 2023

Is the currently released movie Sound of Freedom based on a true story? Yes. Is human trafficking in America a significant problem? Yes. Should American law enforcement be doing everything in their power to prevent and stop human trafficking? Yes. If found guilty, should we prosecute those who do such to the fullest extent of the law? Yes. Should we as a society/culture do everything in our power to stop human trafficking? Yes. Do any of the affirmative answers above... Read more

April 17, 2023

By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. -John 13:35 Will people know we are Christians (disciples or followers of Jesus) by our verbalized theological beliefs? Will they know we are Christians by the way we vote? Will they know we are Christians by the church we are members of or attend? Will they know because we “witness” or share our faith? Will they know because we don’t drink, dance,... Read more

March 29, 2023

We are coming to the end of March, which happens to be Oscar month. For those who care, many gather to watch who wins best picture and the other categories pertinent to movie making. If one is a cinephile, it’s a special month for sure. For those who watch the Turner Classic Movie channel, in March of each year, they run movies that have won best picture throughout the decades. If one has an affinity for the cinematic arts, it’s... Read more

February 7, 2023

The next bogeyman the leaders of the white fundamentalist-evangelical world are ready to foist upon their flocks and the rest of us is “pluralism.” Such a scary word, right? Like “Critical Race Theory” (CTR), “socialism,” and other things they don’t understand, get ready for “pluralism” to join the long list of things we are supposed to be afraid of, be against, and is a clear sign we are in the Last Days and everything is going to hell in a... Read more

December 19, 2022

When I read stories like this one, it leads me as a Christian to this question: Who would Jesus serve? In John’s Gospel (John 2) we read that Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding. Pretty cool, right? You know what’s even cooler? He didn’t ask if the people he knew he would be providing this service to, the ones imbibing, were gay. And, for that matter, whether they were…anything. In the other Gospel narratives we read of Jesus... Read more

November 8, 2022

I want to speak to a certain type of evangelical pastor. This pastor spends a great deal of time in study, reading commentaries, reading their Bible, and preparing their sermons and Bible studies. While they pay attention to pop-culture, what’s new in music, television, movies, sports, and social media, they pay little attention (or none) to politics or the serious conversations surrounding the legal, political, and foreign policy issues discussed in academia or in established media like the New York... Read more

September 16, 2022

There are times when it is prudent and wise to say things like, “Yes, I agree with you, but I can also see the other side’s points as well—and I think I could go either way here.” Or “Both sides make compelling arguments and I think we need to be careful before we come down on one side or the other.” There are certainly moments when we should sit back, consider all opposing views, and with reflection, counsel, research, fairness/objectivity,... Read more

August 24, 2022

Correct, that title was mostly to get your attention. Yes, hate is a strong word and used too often for my liking and often simply because of political or cultural disagreements. And clearly, I’m not talking about all evangelicals. Okay? Can we just get all that out of the way and move on? Great. I do however think many white evangelicals/fundamentalists, especially that 81% who voted for Trump, deeply dislike (better?) America, as it is now, as to people in... Read more

July 17, 2022

Absolutely they should. I suspect some of you, to that answer, may be thinking or saying out loud right now: “Isn’t that obvious?” Well, one would think. However, if you, like I, grew up in the Christian fundamentalist/evangelical world of the 70s and 80s, then it wasn’t so obvious an answer to that question. Sadly, for the kids who grew up in those decades (and others—but I’m focusing on my own time-frame) they were told quite often they shouldn’t listen... Read more

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