Joe Biden or Donald Trump–Which Vote is More Wholistically Faith-Based?

Joe Biden or Donald Trump–Which Vote is More Wholistically Faith-Based? October 25, 2023

A few days ago, I saw a post advocating for the vote of Donald and Melania Trump from a certain demographic. I will now advocate for Joe and Jill Biden and paste a link to my publication from Faith-On-View here about the life issues the Democratic party actually supports. Op-ed: Catholic Republican to Catholic Democrat, which is more pro-life? – Faith on View

For this article specifically, I will focus on the character of Joe Biden verses Donald Trump.

Joe Biden is a devout Catholic who attends Mass every week; Donald Trump is doesn’t attend Church regularly. Joe Biden loves his wife and has been faithfully married to her for 45 years. Joe Biden came from a working-class family and has served in public service for many years. Donald Trump came with a silver spoon in his mouth and has been an unfaithful husband to his multiple wives. Jill Biden has a PhD in education. Jill and Joe Biden have class and decency while Donald Trump is a dime-store conman. Many are equating Christianity with Trumpism while no one equates Christianity with “Bidenism” because Trumpism is a cult.   Joe and Jill Biden are making changes for the basic human and civil rights of all Americans, regardless of their identity. Donald Trump is pandering to a minority of white alt-right Christians who want theocratic power over the rest of the nation, not most Christians, but those who want to destroy “the other” in a similar manner to Hitler.  Donald Trump likes those who stroke his ego while Joe Biden wants to serve all Americans, even those who oppose him. Joe Biden is a decent man; Donald Trump is not. Donald Trump is actively trying to usher in Neo-Nazi fascism and a version of the Holocaust


According to the Human Rights campaign (HRC), a leading human rights organization, this organization fully-supports Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for re-election because equality and human dignity are core and center to who Joe Biden is.  This video is for 2020, but the HRC still endorses this team for what they are doing to further the cause of equality and civil rights. Donald Trump is the exact opposite.  Human dignity and decency are not in Donald Trump’s capacity or vocabulary, especially those who he views as less valuable than himself. Let’s compare by watching these videos clips.

(109) The Human Rights Campaign Endorses Joe Biden for President 2020 – YouTube

(109) Trump’s violent rhetoric threatens democracy to its core, Pt. 1 – YouTube

A friend of mine named John Woodman, a strong Christian, father of six, husband, published author, and researcher wrote this about the state of the American Church and our nation. Here, I will not compare Donald Trump to Joe Biden but Donald Trump to Christ.  “Christ stood for truth; Trump told thousands of lies. This was easily proven by anyone who tested his words. Christ says we are all created equal; Trump dog-whistled to white supremacists, and told the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.” Christ stood for faithfulness; Trump had multiple affairs, multiple wives, and cheated with a porn star while his wife (a model) was pregnant with their child. Christ stood for the poor; Trump passed a massive wealth transfer from the middle class and working poor to his rich donors. Christ spoke of kindness to your fellow man; Trump’s rise was marked by bullying, and intimidation. Christ said that leaders should be servants of all; Trump demanded absolute loyalty and made every effort to destroy anyone who would not bow before him. Christ spoke of purity; Trump bragged that he could grab women by the pussy — and had more than 20 women who all testified (2 Cor. 13:1) that he had sexually assaulted them. As a direct result of electing the man that we chose — whom many Christians also claimed was “God’s chosen” (Isaiah 5:20) — America experienced a massive toll of approximately 600,000 (almost double now) deaths, well over half of which were entirely unnecessary. As well as an economic crash that nations such as South Korea, who managed the pandemic really well, did not experience at all. Exactly how is this different from any of the plagues or judgments from God on disobedient nations described in the Bible?”–Woodman


We must keep in mind all people are equally-sacred and valuable in the eyes of God and according to Sacred Writings of all major world religions and our US Constitution. Therefore, we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This goes for all Americans, not just those who stroke the egos of the elite.

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