Dear Pastor, You Might Fail. Do It Anyways.

Dear Pastor, You Might Fail. Do It Anyways. October 24, 2023

Blueprint for success or failure
Image by LATUPEIRISSA from Pixabay

How do you define success? Is it okay to fail? Where do God, faith, and human limitation interact in these questions? Culturally, we must admit that we tend to revere and make heroes, maybe idols, out of those we consider successful. But for every church that has to build a new building to fit all the new people, there is a church that has to close its doors. So, the true measurement for serving God is not found in the numerical success or lack thereof, but if you are faithful to your Lord.


Pastors should be builders. You should be building whether you have ten or ten million people who consider you their pastor. But building what? Some automatically jump to the idea that you should build facilities, programs, and budgets. And honestly, there is nothing wrong with that. If God is moving you in that direction, be faithful to build what and where God has you. Others would argue that the most important building you can facilitate is the community or the gathering of God’s people. If God is calling you to that, be faithful. The perceptive ones will argue, why not both?

Regardless of what you are working to build, if you are building for God, you must recognize and give all the glory to God. In Him, you move, breathe, and are able to accomplish what you accomplish. Apart from Him, you can do nothing. In the right perspective, then, everything you do is solely for the glory of God. And that which brings glory to God is concerned with the eternal. In other words, build buildings and communities, not for the present hour but for its future impact in the kingdom of God.

Calling and Confirmation

What vision has God placed in your heart? Is there an idea that constantly tugs at your heart and burns in your soul? What makes your heart jump for joy, and you can’t stop talking about it? God is so good that He creates unique callings and visions for His kingdom that are personal to you. He is at work and on the move – right where you are. And He invites you to join in. He grants vision, creativity, and inspiration so that you can participate in His kingdom’s growth. Every soul, location, and ministry is essential and important in the Kingdom.

So do whatever, one may ask, and God has to bless it? Hopefully, you know that the answer to that is no. Jesus calls us to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. We don’t have to abandon sound judgment and reasoning to walk in faith. But, there will be times when we will do all that we can and still come to the realization that it will only happen because of God. If you have a grand vision or project, count the costs. Find a few trusted people who can hear your heart and are unafraid to speak the truth. If you still aren’t sure, keep asking. Keep knocking; be that annoying, insistent neighbor who demands to be addressed.

You May Fail

Humans are limited, mistake-prone, and broken. Not everything you do will be successful, even if you do those things in service of God’s Kingdom and for the glory of His name. Let’s be honest: programs fail, pastors get asked to leave or fired, and churches have closed their doors. Temporary setbacks or future building blocks in the kingdom, when we attempt to do great things, there is risk involved. So, like the servant who buried his talent, you can choose to do nothing. But Jesus’ parable is pretty clear that the servant who did nothing was considered wicked or lazy. The servant was afraid of the risk of losing his money, but Jesus made it clear the worst choice was to choose to do nothing.

If you have ever built something, you know the battle in your soul. Your pride and ego suddenly want to claim the successes and find excuses when things don’t work as you thought. You take your eyes off the ultimate goal of God’s glory and find yourself focused on your own. And when that happens, the risk of trying something becomes wrapped up in the possibility that it will reflect on and change how people think of you. Fear settles in, and you have to find the courage to keep moving forward.

Do It Anyway

If you believe God is constantly at work building His kingdom, you must also believe He is constantly inviting His children to be partners. Following God is no guarantee of worldly success. But there is always value in building His kingdom. Each new day has new mercies. As Jesus teaches, the Kingdom is like a small seed that is planted that grows and grows until it is a tree. Sometimes, all that growth is happening out of sight. But it is still growing and on the move.

Hebrews 10 reminds us: And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works,  not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. If you are not quite sure what God is calling you to, can I make a suggestion? I think you can always chase after two outcomes in serving God. First, does it bring glory to God? And second, does it spur the people of God to love one another and to do good works? Whether big or small, success or failure, following God takes courage, bravery, and persistence. You may not see all the success you had hoped for, but if you sought God’s heart, followed the Spirit’s leading, and encouraged the community of believers, you will be called faithful.


A harsh reality of living in this fallen world is that sometimes, even the best-laid plans fail. Plans that were prayed over.  The plans represent the pastor’s and the congregation’s sweat, blood, and hard work. Plans that seemed tailored for just a time like this, for just a people and a leader. But today, you wake up, ask questions about what went wrong, and wonder if you missed something in all the prayers. Was it hubris and pride? Why did my own congregation turn against me and resist the plans or go in the complete opposite direction?

To those of you who feel every last word of the previous paragraph, I remind you simply that one day, God will wipe away your tears. And that Jesus himself promised never to leave nor forsake you. If you have breath in your lungs, you still have a calling. And a purpose. You are a child of God, an overcomer, and your testimony will continue to shake the walls throughout all time. Take the time to rest in God’s goodness, but when the Spirit moves, don’t hesitate. Rise up and try again. And again. And again.

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