October 16, 2023

If you’re a believer, I’m sure you’ve heard that you need to witness to others about Jesus.  You’ve been told that to bring others into the body of Christ, you must share the good news to all of those you encounter.  But can you do this?  And if you do, do you do it well?  Suffice it to say, Christians are called to evangelize and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world (Matthew 28:18–20).  But as witnesses to... Read more

October 2, 2023

Here we are again discussing church hurt.  Although this once hot topic has made its way into the common conversations of the church, it still has a significant effect on how some view the Church.  So, I guess we could say that we never really left the subject.  We just buried it under all the other trendy topics that we’ve been inundated with. Speaking of church hurt, I’m reminded of this post that was circulating around Facebook.  The post posed... Read more

September 18, 2023

Unfortunate circumstances have a way of summoning sadness while also welcoming the entrance of blessings.  Death can be seen as one of these unfortunate circumstances.  Suffering loss can leave anyone devastated, confused, questioning God, and sometimes even wondering when the time will come for them to leave this earth.  It can cause families to grieve together, laugh together, smile together, and hold each other closer.  But although death has a way of bringing people together, it also has a way... Read more

September 6, 2023

Social media has become a very useful tool for sharing information.  We can become knowledgeable on a plethora of topics just by opening up an app or two and exploring.  One of the most popular pieces of content to digest now is videos.  We can consume videos of people dancing and singing, but they dare not be of a woman preaching. I recently experienced this type of rejection on social media myself.  But get this, I wasn’t even preaching!  Our... Read more

September 4, 2023

Here in Arkansas, we’re dealing with a controversial matter surrounding lawmakers and school curriculum, particularly African American history.  Over the years, we’ve heard arguments concerning the significance of Black lives.  And although the views of equality amongst mankind can be nebulous depending on the audience you poll; it is an immutable fact that these lives do indeed matter to God. So, what happens when the question of significance of Black lives is realized through academic restrictions?  Restrictions placed on students... Read more

August 26, 2023

An Excerpt from The Millennial Christian Devotional “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God?  You are not your own, for you were bought with a price.  So glorify God in your body” (1 Corinthians 6:19–20). The Sex Problem An idea that has been widely accepted today is that sex sells.  A substantial amount of people seem to be complacent with the idea that their body... Read more

August 22, 2023

In the past, I made a practice of limiting my commentary on certain issues.  Maybe it was because I was afraid that my words would be hurtful to someone else. Or maybe the fear of being “cancelled” was present before we ever coined a word for the movement itself.  I’m not sure which is more true.  What I do know is that I didn’t want to be viewed as one of those crass, judgmental Christians incapable of embracing the views... Read more

August 18, 2023

You and I more than likely know someone who has said, “I’m denouncing my letters,” after they’d been enlightened on the possible dangers or insinuations of idolatry that Greek letter organizations (GLOs) pose.  While I’ve never delved too much into this topic beyond giving my perspective to individuals in private conversations, I felt the need to address it. This is because it has come up quite a bit recently. Note that I am affiliated with a Black Greek letter organization... Read more

August 13, 2023

I’m not an active fisher now, but when I was in high school, we would go fishing quite a bit. The idea of baiting a hook completely grossed me out initially, but once I realized that I had to do it to catch fish, I mustered up the guts and baited away. Although the act of fishing itself was enjoyable and relaxing for us, my sister and I would get so upset when we didn’t catch anything. But we always... Read more

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