November 17, 2023

Scripture often talks about God anthropomorphically as if God were human. Sometimes, this is done by talking about God’s actions as if God achieved them in the way humans do, such as through by use of hands or feet. Sometimes, it is done by expressing God’s actions as if they followed some sort of human passion like anger (or wrath). God’s anger is said to be provoked by the accumulation of sin. “It is as though the guilt had grown... Read more

November 16, 2023

Abusing foreigners, denying healthcare to the poor, engaging racism, and even destroying the environment thanks to the health hazards which ensue, all flow from or promote the denial of the dignity of the human person, that is, each represents a denial of the value of human life. Ignoring the conditions for life to flourish, or worse, promoting injustices which not only hinder human survival, but human dignity, are both sins which must be confronted even as the structures of sin... Read more

November 14, 2023

Growth can be difficult and painful. We might not understand why, but we know, through experience, that it is the way of things. “No pain, no gain” is a popular expression of this truth. To develop, we will go through growing pains. We will be tried and challenged with difficult tasks which will determine who and what we are to be. Some people, understanding this, take it to heart in an extreme fashion. Thinking all pain will lead to some... Read more

November 12, 2023

The incarnation works to unite humanity as one, a unity God intended humanity to have and would have had were it not for sin. The eschatological fate of humanity is to realize that unity given to it by the peace of Christ. Sin causes humanity to be divided up against itself, to fight against and destroy itself, while the incarnation works to heal that division and all the harm it has caused: With the incarnation of the divine Logos in... Read more

November 10, 2023

We constantly having all kinds of odd thoughts going through our minds, some of which tempt us to act in ways contrary to what our conscience tells us to do, others which provide strange notions which we find little to no real substance to them and yet disturb us because of what they imply. Other thoughts might confuse us as to how or why we thought of them, but we don’t take as much notice of them because they are... Read more

November 8, 2023

Prejudice and bias against people due to their nationality, gender, or religion, have no place in society.  This is a hard-earned truth which humanity has had a difficult time learning, and it is one which many do not want to accept, which is why we find ourselves having to defend it again and again.  Denying people rights, or their livelihood, because of guilt by association, that is, by trying to suggest one or a few people represents the whole, only... Read more

November 7, 2023

Often, when we go to worship at our local church, we bring with us a bad attitude, one which has us ignore the point of our worship. Instead of focusing on our own spiritual development, and with it, a positive relationship with God (and with others thanks to our relationship with God), we like to show off, doing what we think will make us appear to be better than everyone else. We want others to look to upon us as... Read more

November 5, 2023

God’s love for humanity, indeed, God’s love for creation, did not diminish because of sin; rather, it is because of such love that God opposes sin and works to counteract its nihilistic destruction of being. God’s love is one eternal, unchanging act of love. We do not apprehend it in the way it actually is. We are temporal creatures. We grasp after that one unchangeable eternal act of God and apprehend something different each time we do so, making it... Read more

November 3, 2023

Every human person shares the same human nature with each other. This gives to each and every human person the same human dignity. No matter what anyone has done, they do not lose their humanity, nor, therefore, their human dignity. Basic human rights flow from that dignity, which is why those who try to find a reason to ignore those rights tend to do so by denying that dignity. This is how many Christians justify any and all abuse they... Read more

November 1, 2023

War is hell. War is never a good thing. Even when it is justified, it is not a good thing. We must never think of war as being good, even if sometimes it is the only way to protect and defend the greater good. The good which is achieved in a just war certainly should be recognized, but that good must not be confused with the war itself. Peace, true peace, must always be what is desired, even when at... Read more

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