November 4, 2023

In the world of nothing important has happened…Bank of America, US Bank, Truist, Chase and Wells Fargo all had problems with direct deposit yesterday. They didn’t get the payments out to those who are owed money. The ACH (Automatic Clearing House) problem has not been resolved today. However, it’s not being discussed by the media –in the New York Times or WTOP, or follow ups on Real Clear Markets, or the Washington Post. Notably, no numbers of how many were... Read more

October 25, 2023

The other day I talked about prayer and being a witness taking courage.  Then, I went to a dinner. One of the keynote speakers talked about being shot not once but twice because she wanted to be educated, and those doing the shooting, didn’t think women should aspire to such things.  I sat thinking about how easily we opt to read or to enroll in school, or to dream beyond the day.   We in this country, do not fear the... Read more

October 22, 2023

We cannot see what is happening in the world as a comic book, with one side being all virtue, and the other side all vice.  If we would be peace makers, we must seek something better than what either side thinks the other side deserves.  We must aspire to treating all involved as fully human.    We must pray and fast for peace. We must give to those charities that provide aid to the refugees. Here is the latest if... Read more

October 21, 2023

Anyone can claim to be something.  It’s what we do that reveals if we aspire to that reality beyond when we want to.  For example, anyone with a pencil or a computer can claim to be a writer.  Writng when you’re uninspired, that’s the hallmark of someone who takes the craft seriously. I must admit, these past few months, I’m not sure I can make this claim. Life has given me excuses, and I have taken them.   My neglect of... Read more

October 5, 2023

For the past five years, I’ve taught ninth grade.  One thing we spend a great deal of energy on, is teaching students to write and reflect.  We want them to understand, themes are everywhere, even if they go unnoticed. The other morning, I woke and discovered, my watch didn’t charge.  Neither did my phone.  When I got to work, my computer took twenty minutes to warm up, and the Promethean board decided sound was for suckers.   I told my class,... Read more

September 30, 2023

In the world of nothing important has happened…Bank of America, US Bank, Truist, Chase and Wells Fargo all had problems with direct deposit yesterday. They didn’t get the payments out to those who are owed money. The ACH (Automatic Clearing House) problem has not been resolved today. However, it’s not being discussed by the media –in the New York Times or WTOP, or follow ups on Real Clear Markets, or the Washington Post. Notably, no numbers of how many were... Read more

September 12, 2023

There are days when you get up and go and go and go and go and you get home and the moment you sit, people say, “Oh, good, you’re here. Can you…”  and they don’t really mean “can you?”  They mean, help, do, now.   My brain felt like a turkey in the oven with the thermometer popped out.    “I’m done.” I wanted to say.  My spirit felt unwilling.  However, I also know sometimes, love means you do when you... Read more

September 8, 2023

I’d vowed to write five hundred words each day but life got in the way.  It’s so easy to slip when there’s errands and Back to School night at not one, not two, but three different schools on the same night, for three children at one, and where you’re the teacher at another.   We came home, ate ordered pizza and watched the first two episodes of season 4 of Lower Decks, a guilty pleaure for it’s decidely R content at... Read more

September 6, 2023

Today, I know it wasn’t so hot one could fry eggs on the car, but the AC not working well made one wonder whether the case of water I left in the trunk might not be safe to drink.  It’s possible the plastic containers began to decompose during the five plus hours of work. To frame this properly for those sitting in air conditioned coolness or places that do not simulate the surface of the sun, my dog is currently... Read more

September 5, 2023

These days, my ugly list never seems to shrink. For those unfamiliar with this term, I always have an ugly list. I update it monthly.  It includes all those things that no one wants to do, but need doing.  Since as a writer, one must show, not tell, here’s my show and tell: I’m currently trying to teach two unwilling teens to drive so they can move beyond the learners’ permit.  We also are filling out two passport applications that... Read more

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