What “Overcoming the World” Means: Part 1–Peace Be With You

What “Overcoming the World” Means: Part 1–Peace Be With You October 28, 2023

I have told you these things, that in me you may have peace. In the world you have oppression; but cheer up! I have overcome the world. John 16:33 (WEB)


Ever have a day where it seems like the world is just coming down on you and everything seems hopeless? Ever have an extended dry spell where your faith wasn’t keeping up with your circumstances? Yeah, me too. The world will do that to you.


In times like these, we Truthseekers need to get a grip on ourselves (and each other) and simply remember just Who it is that’s really running the show.


God’s goal is never to confound us, but to bring us peace. Another way to word that would be “confidence.”  He wants us to rest assured that He is not only bigger than whatever comes our way, but that our circumstances are all a part of His plan.


The Lesson


There are so many ways that we can learn from adversity. Sometimes it’s a course correction if we are going a way that we should not be. Sometimes it’s to find out that we are stronger than we thought we were.


But sometimes it’s the opposite of that. Sometimes God allows us to walk through difficult seasons to get us to STOP relying on our own strength and rely on His instead.


That sounds like the right thing to say from a spiritual standpoint. However, it sure doesn’t feel that way when you’re going through it, does it?


I really admire people who hold unswervingly to their faith when going through things like extended illnesses or financial hardships. I am one who wants things fixed, and fixed NOW, so I can get on with my life. Trials and tribulations are an obstacle to my plans.


If you think this way, as I often do, that’s the indicator that you’re getting off track. Because if you’re most concerned about your own plans, then you’re not in submission to God. He knows what’s best for us, and more importantly, He knows what’s coming next.


First World Problems


Maybe it’s just part of being American, but I can get so bent out of shape over my first-world inconveniences. I can count the major trials I have had in my life on one hand. They are significant, but they are not a daily occurrence. We get so spoiled in this country that we forget troubles are a normal part of a normal life.


The world can be frustrating. The people in it can be REALLY frustrating. However, it is pointless to allow ourselves to be mastered by our frustration. There will be things in this world that we can not conquer, but Jesus has already conquered everything that ultimately matters.


Navy SEAL swim buddies paired up in the water.
Navy SEAL swim buddies are inseparable while in the water. (JO2 Ray Mooney/US National Archives)

Who´s Got Your Back?

I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13 NLT)


Everyone has up days and down days. Christians are no exception. When we are in a desert faith-wise, it is so important to have people around us that can build us back up. Also, we should remember the example that these people set for us, so that when we’re back on the mountaintop, we can lift somebody else up who needs it.


Unfortunately, the tendency in these dry seasons of the soul (especially for a cave-dwelling introvert like me) is to pull away from people. We get used to our misery, and it seems that we would rather prolong it than to have someone tell us what we need to hear.


The problem with that is that when we pull away from people, we pull even further away from God than we were already feeling. That’s when the old unhealthy habits start rearing their ugly heads again.


Scaled and Icy


One of my biggest fears since accepting Christ is that someone is going to encounter me during one of these troubled times and associate what they see in me with Christianity in general. What if I’m standing at the throne at the End of Days giving an account of my life, and I find out that someone missed out on the Kingdom because of something I said or did that turned him or her away?


But fears like this can actually accelerate the downward spiral. We might figure, “If I avoid people entirely, then I won’t run the risk of blowing my witness and staining the name of Jesus.”  So, we pull even further away, not just from society, but even from the hand that feeds us.


Woman in gray shirt sitting on bed
COVID made a bad situation much worse by isolating people that didn´t want to. (Andrew Neel/Pexels)


Another manifestation of getting into a spiritual funk like this is that we stop reading the Bible. Everything we need to adjust our attitudes is right there, and the Holy Spirit is only too willing to illuminate the verses that we need to hear, but again, we are too comfortable in our misery to put forth the effort of opening a book. I am so grateful to have a wife that will put scriptures in front of me when I am not going to them myself.


Do you have someone in your life that cares enough about you to give you a lift like this whether you want it or not? The Navy SEALS call this a ‟swim buddy.” If you don’t have one, then find one.


The best place that I have found for this type of community is in a small group (sometimes called “life groups” or “cell groups”) in a church. If you are not familiar with this concept, it’s a group usually of 8-15 people that meet regularly to go deeper together in their faith than they would get by only going to church on Sunday morning.


Set Apart to Come Together


What we need to remember is that we were set apart from the world to be WITH God and His people, not to be hermits in a cabin in the mountains (not that there’s anything wrong with mountains!).


As I mentioned above, a normal life involves difficulties. For a Christian, those difficulties include enduring people who mock the Name of Jesus. Sometimes it seems that life would be easier if we didn’t have to put up with that, but we must remember that this life is not all there is. The next one is a lot longer.


God’s joy and peace are there for the having. You just have to want it. But sometimes, you need somebody to remind you that you want it.


So don’t ever be afraid to call for backup.


For some practical spiritual disciplines to help you overcome the world, come back for Part 2. Make sure to click on the Free Newsletter link so you will be first to know when it’s available.

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