I Met My Guardian Angel

I Met My Guardian Angel October 10, 2023

Guardian Angel
Have you met your Guardian Angel? Image courtesy of Bing Free Images


I love helping people learn the name of their Guardian Angel.  Everyone has one, and they would love to connect with you.  I was fortunate to meet mine when I was four years old.

That day I had finished my kindergarten session and waited and waited in the parking lot for my Dad to come and take me home. On this day, he was very late, which was most unusual for him (it turned out he had a flat tire).  All the teachers and kids were gone, and I was left all by myself standing on the sidewalk.

He Was Standing Right Behind Me

Suddenly a car pulled up beside me and a big man rolled down the window. He said that it looked like my ride couldn’t come for me, but he would be happy to take me home. He then urged me to get into the car. I remember a “feeling” (which I now attribute to my guardian angel) that I shouldn’t get in that car, and I told the man I couldn’t.

Despite all his coaxing, I wouldn’t budge! Finally, he got out of the car and came toward me, I’m sure to forcibly put me in that car. To this day I don’t know what happened, except that the man stopped, looked with terror at something very big standing behind me that was VERY TALL, looked at me strangely, and then turned around very quickly, got in his car, and tore out of the parking lot! Very strange!

I wasn’t sure what had just happened.  I looked all around me and didn’t see anybody or anything.  I thought, “What did he see?  Is someone there?”  Suddenly a voice spoke to me and said, “I’m Darius, your Guardian Angel.  I will always protect you.”

Even at Age 4

Wow!  Even at the age of 4, I knew this whole encounter was truly remarkable.  I was able to witness God’s love through Darius at a very young age and have always known that I was taken care of.

It is possible for you to learn the name of your Guardian Angel.  Before going to sleep, state, “I want to know the name of my Guardian Angel.”  When you awaken the next morning make the statement, “My Guardian Angel’s name is…,” then lie there quietly for a few minutes, asking for the name.  It may take you a few tries, but if you persevere, you will hear their name, and then you can communicate with them!

My Friend Meets Her Guardian Angel 

I told a friend of mine that I would help her discover the name of her Guardian Angel.  We took a seat in my living room, got quiet and I led her into a guided meditation to help clear her mind, and then instructed her to silently ask her Guardian Angel to reveal their name to her.

After a few minutes, I asked her if she was getting a name and she kept saying, “I’m not getting anything!  This isn’t working!”  In the meantime, I kept smelling a fragrance that suddenly appeared in the room that was the fragrance of either a gardenia or a lily.

When I asked my friend if she could smell it, she sniffed and said, “Well now that you mention it, I smell it too!  It smells like lilies.”  Then she gasped and said, “Oh my gosh!  Lilies!  I’ve always been drawn to them!  I have a picture of lilies over my bed, and I have a ceramic vase of lilies on the nightstand by my bed!”

We both looked at each other and she exclaimed, “My Guardian Angel is named Lily!  Hello Lily!  I’m so very happy to meet you!”  Of course, it was no accident that she had the picture of lilies hanging over her bed and the ceramic vase of lilies by her bed.  Her Guardian Angel had been sending her hints for years!

Learn Your Guardian Angel’s Name 

Folks, you have no idea how comforting it is to know that your Guardian Angel is there to protect you and keep you safe, and they would love to have a personal relationship with you.  Take the time to discover the name of yours, then share with your friends and family.  You can help them discover the name of their Guardian Angel.




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