I Have a Conversation with God

I Have a Conversation with God October 13, 2023




    Yes, God Still Speaks to Us!/ Image courtesy of Bing Free Images


My family and friends refer to me as The Miracle Queen, because I have had some 40-odd miracles in my life.  This isn’t because I have some special insider’s connection with God, since Jesus told us over and over that anything he could do, we could do as well.  The truth is that I was not always able to manifest miracles.

In an earlier post, I related the story of my Mother miraculously receiving a $20-bill in place of two $1-dollar bills when she prayed for help.  I didn’t know about this miracle until I was an adult.  She shared this experience one day when we were talking about a friend of ours who was in a bad auto accident that demolished her car, yet she walked away without a scratch.

My Mother said that it was a miracle her friend walked away with no injuries, and then she paused and said, “I never told you about the miracle that happened to me.”  She then proceeded to share the story I related earlier.  She spoke in a hushed voice, looking over her shoulder, as if she thought she shouldn’t be revealing this secret to me.  She had kept her secret for close to 30 years, only telling my Father.  I could tell from the tone of her voice that she still had a hard time believing that it really happened.

My Mother Didn’t Feel Worthy to Receive Her Miracle

I got the impression that she somehow didn’t believe that she deserved this miracle, that she wasn’t worthy of receiving it, wondering why God granted her wish, when He surely was much too busy handling much more serious situations. This feeling of unworthiness was passed on to me, and as an adult, I found myself doing everything I could to please God and make myself worthy of His love.  I attended church regularly, joined a Bible study class and worked on a church committee.  I also volunteered at a local children’s home, spending a couple of nights each week working with the children.  I was basically running myself ragged, trying to please God.

God Speaks Out Loud to Me!

This all came to a head one night when I returned home from the children’s home.  I was exhausted.  I threw myself on my bed and cried out, “I can’t do this anymore!  I am so sorry dear Lord, but I’m bored to tears in that Bible study, I don’t like anyone on that church committee, and I’m just not a kid person!  I just can’t keep this up.  I know I’ve let You down, and I’m so sorry!”

As I was speaking these words out loud, I was hammering my fist into my bed, with tears running down my face.  When I finally paused and took a deep breath, suddenly God spoke OUT LOUD to me!  He said, “Kathy, who asked you to do all of those things?”

I was stunned and speechless.  I finally whispered, “Isn’t this what You want me to do, Lord?”

God chuckled and said, “No, Kathy.  I love you for WHO YOU ARE, NOT WHAT YOU DO.  You are My Beloved Child.  You take time to get to know Me, and I’ll make it known to you where you are needed.”

If You Believe and Give Thanks, You Will Receive

And so began my personal relationship with God.  He explained to me that I never needed to worry that He was too busy to answer my prayers, that, as His beloved child, I was automatically most assuredly worthy to receive His gifts – it’s my Birthright as His child.

He explained that He has set up a system in which the Universe will respond to our every desire or request, if we BELIEVE that we will receive it.   And the key to alerting the Universe is to say, “Thank You God or Thank You Universe for providing… (whatever you desire).”  The key to receiving is GRATITUDE.

You, Too, Can Activate Your Miracle Mind

I can’t wait to share the ways that you, too, can Activate Your Miracle Mind. It’s easier than you think, if you will only accept that you are worthy to receive and BELIEVE that it is possible.  You have no idea just how powerful you are.


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