God Helps Me Manifest My Very First Home

God Helps Me Manifest My Very First Home October 18, 2023

God Always Gives You the Desires of Your Heart Image Courtesy Bing Copyright Free Images

The Universe is Poised to Bring Me What I Desire

As I headed toward my late 20s, I decided that it was time for me to move from apartment living into my own house.

So each day I began scouring the newspapers for houses for sale. On the weekend I drove all over the place, going to open houses. After about a month of searching, I was no closer to finding my perfect home.

One Sunday, when I once again spent the day going through open houses, I returned home exhausted, frustrated and depressed. When I found a home I liked, it was too expensive. When I found a house I could afford, it was in the wrong neighborhood. I was just about to give up my search when I remembered what God had told me.

God had said that He set up the Universe to respond to my every desires, and I only needed to ask and BELIEVE in order to receive the Desires of My Heart. Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the Desires of Your Heart.” I decided to give it a try, and I made the statement, “I KNOW my perfect house is here for me RIGHT NOW, and I THANK YOU GOD/UNIVERSE for this house.”

I Visualize My Perfect House

It occurred to me that perhaps I should give the Universe some idea of what my perfect house looked like, so I closed my eyes and began to visualize my perfect house.

I visualized a cute little bungalow located on a corner lot with a big oak tree in the front yard. I visualized a dining room  that had a double window with sunlight pouring in. I then visualized that sunlight shining on my beautiful emerald green luster that sat in the middle of the dining room table. The sunlight was striking the crystal prisms hanging around it, creating a rainbow on the wall.

A house with two bedrooms was all I needed, if that was possible. I visualized a back yard that was large and shaded, and it had a screened-in side porch. It was in a quiet neighborhood that had to have lots of trees, as I have always loved trees.

I Was Actually Seeing The House I Desired

Suddenly I was seeing this house so clearly, and I began to place my furniture in each room, loving the cozy and warm effect I so desired. I could see myself in that house! It occurred to me that I needed to let the Universe know that I didn’t want to spend more than $35,000 for it (that tells you how old I am!).

I took a deep breath and thanked God and the Universe for my perfect house. This was all so new to me, and I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Would I see the house in an ad? Would I be driving down the road and see my house? Would one of the many Realtors I knew let me know they had the perfect house for me?

I decided to just release this into God’s hands, and let the Universe do its job. I didn’t need to know HOW it would happen, I just needed to BELIEVE that it COULD happen. I fell asleep that night dreaming about my perfect house.

This Realtor Was Describing My House!

The next day I attended a loan closing for the homebuilder that I worked for. This was part of my job, signing the paperwork as Vice President, and celebrating the new home with the homebuyers. As the closing attorney reviewed the documents with the buyers, I chatted quietly with the Realtor who had brought them to our subdivision.

Suddenly he stopped and said, “You won’t believe the listing I got yesterday. It’s the cutest little two-bedroom bungalow a couple of miles from here that just went on the market. It’s a great deal, the sellers are only asking $35,000 for it.”

I was dumbstruck! A two-bedroom house close to my office, with a price of $35,000? That was EXACTLY what I had envisioned! I told the Realtor that I wanted to look at it the minute the loan closing was finished.

There Was the House I Had Envisioned!

He drove me over in his car and, as we came around the corner and he pulled into the driveway, I saw the house I had envisioned, with a beautiful oak tree in the front yard. I was beginning to think that I was dreaming. We walked up the front steps, and he unlocked and opened the front door. I immediately saw the sun shining through the double windows in the dining room – the very dining room I had envisioned!

Everything in this house was almost identical to what I had envisioned. I signed the contract that very day!

This entire situation was almost too much for me to absorb. I thought about all of those frustrating weeks that I looked for my perfect house, all of which ended in discouragement and disappointment. Yet when I got clear on what I wanted, and I thanked God and the Universe for bringing it to me, I RECEIVED IT THE VERY NEXT DAY! WOW! God was right! He WILL give us the Desires of Our Heart if we only Believe that it is possible.

I Received My Second House The Same Way

The same thing happened many years later when I was looking for my second home. A Realtor was doing the looking for me, setting me up to go look at different houses, but none of them appealed to me. And then I remembered how I found my first house, and I thought DUH! Why didn’t I think to let the Universe find my perfect home this time as well?

I visualized my perfect home as I was drifting off to sleep that night, thanking the Universe for finding it for me, and when I awoke, I knew EXACTLY where to look. I called the Realtor that morning and directed her to begin looking in this new location. She responded, “But that’s nowhere near where you wanted me to look!” I assured her that she would find what I was looking for in that area, even though she was skeptical.

That same afternoon the Realtor called to tell me, “Kathy, I’ve found your house. I KNOW it’s your house.  It just went on the market today!  You need to come take a look at it.” Would you believe that it was 10 minutes from my office? I jumped into my car and drove to the location she gave me, and there she stood, with a big grin on her face, opening her arms and pointing to the house.

Of course it was exactly what I had envisioned as I drifted off to sleep. I just had no idea that this wonderful neighborhood was only 10 minutes from my office. I signed the contract that very day, and still live in that same house now for close to 30 years.

Over the years I have allowed the Universe to help me find the perfect car, the perfect outfit I needed for a special occasion, the perfect way to handle my business… the list goes on and on. God takes great joy and pleasure in seeing His children happy.

Envision Your Desire, Give Thanks, and See It Manifest!

Whatever it is that you desire, begin to envision it in your mind, give thanks for it, and then see it manifesting. It’s easier than you think, if you will only BELIEVE that it is possible, and get out of the way and let the Universe do their job.

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