For Such A Time As This: Seeking Purpose and Pursuing Dreams; Part 3 in the Uniquely Constructed Series

For Such A Time As This: Seeking Purpose and Pursuing Dreams; Part 3 in the Uniquely Constructed Series October 25, 2023

Created For Such A Time As This ~ One Day or Day One ~ The Choice is Yours!

In recent years, I have admittedly given much more thought to seeking my purpose, and pursuing my dreams. Perhaps the realization that I am not getting any younger, is contributing to the sense of urgency I feel about it now. It would certainly make sense that my age is a factor, and I’m not getting any younger, for sure! When I first took steps toward the dreams of writing in 2019, I had no idea where God might lead, but I was intent on seeking His Will in it. God has heard many prayers over the years asking Him to help me be exactly who He uniquely created me to be. At the risk of sounding a little cliche, thoughts of becoming that woman, has bombarded my thoughts, and is of utmost importance. As God is beginning to open new doors to me, I admit contemplating adding even more to the plate seems more than a little crazy, if not downright impossible. My confidence in knowing that God is providing these new opportunities, is simultaneously confirming something important in my heart:  “I am here for such a time as this!”

Truthfully over the past year, this phrase has continuously come to my mind, and is one that I write quite often. To me, it is God’s way of confirming I am not here by mistake. I have not missed my calling. I am exactly where He purposed for me to be, from the very beginning. Acknowledging this for myself, helps me battle the insecurity that plagues me sometimes. So I repeat these words of affirmation, telling myself, I am created for such a time as this!

With that said, I am choosing to believe it with each new day I am given. While at the same time, the doubt tries to come creeping in to tell me the reasons I am wrong. It is a battle, and scripture helps me fight my way through. Just like the verse on my current journal:

Journal pic of With God...
I love knowing that with God all things are possible! ~ I’m so grateful for that knowledge!

 My age does not concern God at all! When I am weak, He is strong, and God’s not done with me yet! God is opening doors to possibilities that nothing, or no one can shut! I’m not too old, I am just more determined! 

In all honesty, I can tell you that my ultimate goal is to one day hear the words, “Well done, my good and faithful servant… enter in!”

Therefore, I fervently want to run my race, and be all that God created me to be. While intentionally seeking to achieve every single detail of the purpose for which He created me. God knows my heart, and it is willing! Fortunately for me, as I search for confirmation of all of this, it tends to lead me to pick up my pen and put it to paper! That makes me smile…


Years of Journaling Now Has Purpose ~ 

Perhaps now, all the years of writing in personal journals will actually be very useful. These journals are packed full of Bible study notes, scriptures, prayers and life experiences that I have written about throughout literal decades of my life! 

Pulling out journals to take a little trip down memory lane, will of course, mean facing good and bad emotions because let’s face it, life’s not always easy! Reflecting on the past will undoubtedly bring both smiles and tears, from a life full of momentous occasions.

Years of writing seemed to be a hobby and favorite pastime, but in the last few months, I’ve come to realize that it is actually much more than that.

Writing is my way of communicating, concentrating and focusing on the topic at hand. Otherwise, my mind wanders off, skipping from subject to subject… forgetting what I started thinking about in the first place. Taking out a journal to write is my way of having a conversation with God, without any set rules to abide by. It enables me to pour out my thoughts, my prayers and my petitions directly to God, in the name of Jesus. It comforts me in ways nothing else can. I know God hears me, and my journals are proof.

There is one consistent thing that I hope to make you see as I share from my past. And that is the undeniable fact that God has been with me through every single page, every triumph, every defeat, every tear, and every lesson learned. I could not imagine my life without my faith! 

Keep Reaching for Your Dreams!” ~

To wrap up Part 3 in this series, I want to say that I hope you can see that my dreams have taken time.

Nothing just happened overnight for me. I have faced struggles along the way, doubted at times, and been discouraged. However, in the waiting, I can see how God was preparing me “for such a time as this!”

Time has not been wasted. God knew exactly what I needed to experience before He could reveal His plan to me. Consequently, He has not yet given me the entire plan… this is just a first step, albeit an exciting one. It is not the only one, of which I am confident! I’m grateful for His patience with me when I have been in a hurry!

 “Dreams take time, so please do not give up on yours!”  

Keep God first in your life, and keep asking for discernment and wisdom. Continue asking God to make things happen in His Time! Then Trust that His Timing will be perfect!   ~   God’s timing is not always easy, but it is necessary!

Just remember, you too are created “For Such A Time As This…”   What will you do with that knowledge? 

As for me, I will continually ask the Lord to establish my steps in His Word! I hope you choose to do that too!

Beach Teresa oder my steps
Order my steps Lord!




About Teresa D Nichols
In recent years, I have admittedly given much more thought to seeking my purpose, and pursuing my dreams. Perhaps the realization that I am not getting any younger, is contributing to the sense of urgency I feel about it now. Confidence in knowing that God is providing new opportunities, is simultaneously confirming something important in my heart:  "I am here for such a time as this!" Truthfully over the past year, this phrase has continuously come to my mind, and is one that I write quite often. To me, it is God's way of confirming I am not here by mistake. I have not missed my calling. I am exactly where He purposed for me to be, from the very beginning. You can read more about the author here.

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