Teach Your Kids about Missions

Teach Your Kids about Missions October 21, 2023

child holding a colorful globe
Teaching our children about missions.
Photo by Carlos Gutierrez | Canva.com.

On October 22, 2023, Catholics worldwide will celebrate World Mission Sunday. I’m not a Catholic, but God has been speaking to me about missions lately. Though at one point in my life, I wanted to live in another country for the sake of Jesus, that isn’t what God is asking of me now. Recently, I have been thinking about introducing my kids to missions and our local mission field through serving together as a Christian family.

What is World Mission Sunday?

World Mission Sunday is a day started in 1926 by Pope Pius XI for Catholics worldwide to be reminded and recommit their support of missions around the world. My understanding is that the day includes celebrating mass specifically in recognition of those of the mission field, praying for missions, and often giving offerings to be distributed to missionaries. 

It is always celebrated on the second to last Sunday in October. Each year the Pope also chooses a theme. This year’s theme is “Hearts on fire, feet on the move,” based on the story of the Emmaus Road experience in Luke.

Do Protestants Celebrate World Mission Sunday?

No, not technically. But what a beautiful opportunity to teach our children about missions, both around the world and right in your own community.

Why Should You Teach Your Kids about Missions?

“He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation’.” Mark 16:15 NIV

Not only is serving and sharing the gospel with others a command from Jesus, but it is also a critical part of discipling our kids for a life of faith. Children’s Ministry Leader, Josh Denhart, shares on his blog, “Children who serve WITH their families in a faith-based ministry, are more likely to stay connected to Christ and the church when they leave the home.” (source)

Research has shown that of the minority of young adults that stick with their faith when they leave home, many of them served with their families growing up. It makes an impact.

Infographic by Josh Denhart, kidminscience.com. Used with permission.

How to Teach Your Kids about Missions

As with most parts of our faith, modeling and conversations are some of the best tools in your Christian parenting toolbelt. Denhart, quoted above, writes, “Modeling precedes independent pursuit, nearly every time.” (source)


Mother Teresa is quoted as saying, “If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.” Missions begin at home. As a Christian parent, your primary mission field is your family. We can help our children understand that through framing our decisions and choices at home with a mission perspective.

When one kid asks, “Why does she get to pick the movie?” You can explain, “Tonight we are serving her by watching a movie she picked. Next week you get to pick. God calls us to show love to others by valuing them and meeting their needs and desires.” 

Or, “Why do we have to go to church early to stand by the doors?” “As a family, we serve the church because we are called to see and serve others. Greeting allows us to see each person who comes into our church and welcome them with a smile. Your smile and ‘good morning’ might make a big difference to someone.”

You can model missions and serving in the home, you can also do it in your community. Invite your kids to pick out a can of food each time you go to the grocery store to donate to a local food bank. Involve them in donating old toys instead of reselling them. Find things in your church that you can do together. No matter your children’s age, you can include them in serving.


You don’t have to travel to another country to teach your children about missions around the world. And, your church may be just the place to start. Does your church support missionaries? Learn more about the missionaries. Perhaps you can even reach out through email.

Learn about the missionary’s country. What is the culture like? How do the missionaries live? What language do they speak? What is the primary religion in the country?

Brainstorm with your kids ways to support the missionaries from your church. Put up a photo and a map in your home to remember to pray for them.

Doing Missions With Your Kids

You may not be a Catholic, but as Christians be inspired by World Mission Day. Let’s teach our children about missions and serving others to spread the gospel. Do it in your home, church, community, or across the world. Get involved as a family and it will impact your faith and that of your children, plus those you serve, for many years to come.

About Joy Wendling
Enthusiastic. Passionate. Profound. Joy Wendling is a writer, speaker, podcaster, certified parent coach, family pastor, and founder of Created to Play. She has over 20 years of experience in children, youth, and family ministry, as well as a Master’s in Youth, Family, and Culture from Fuller Theological Seminary. She also has a certificate in Parenting for Faith from Cliff College. Her idea of relaxing is gazing at the mountains from her island home with an ice-cold Diet Coke and a good book. Joy lives in the Pacific Northwest and enjoys laughing and playing with her five daughters and husband. Get to know her better at CreatedtoPlay.com and on her podcast titled Playfully Faithful Parenting. You can read more about the author here. You can read more about the author here.

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