Fabric of Faith: Stitching Christ’s Teachings into Daily Life

Fabric of Faith: Stitching Christ’s Teachings into Daily Life August 1, 2023

Fabric of Faith: Image Attribution Freepik purchased image
Fabric of Faith/ Image courtesy of Freepik

Welcome to the first article of my new column, “Fabric of Faith.”

I dedicate this space to everyone seeking to enrich their lives by weaving their Christian faith into every facet of daily living. My goal is to provide encouragement, tips, and thought-provoking ideas to help you live a Christ-centered life with an emphasis on the workplace.

“Fabric of Faith” centers on the belief that Christianity is not a separate thread in our lives; rather, it is the very fabric that holds everything together. As Christians, we are called to live our faith, not just profess it. Every moment presents an opportunity to manifest God’s love, grace, and wisdom to others.

Many of us know the gospels that teach us to love our neighbors, forgive those who wronged us, and live with kindness, patience, and truthfulness. Jesus said it best. These are not just parables intended for Sunday services, but profound lessons meant to guide our actions and decisions every day.

Kindness Matters Everywhere

Consider the act of kindness. In our fast-paced world, acts of kindness can be as simple as letting someone run through the grocery line ahead of us. We can do that. Other examples could be listening patiently to a co-workers concerns, or sharing a warm smile when passing strangers. Every day, we face countless opportunities to extend God’s love to those around us. Extending Christ-like character in the workplace can be our superpower as caring believers.

Patience & Humility

Similarly, we can test our virtue of patience in the most mundane situations, from waiting for the doctor to call our name to navigating a traffic jam. I know, it’s tough. But we can’t deny the impact of expressing patience and humility. People are watching. These acts embody Christ’s teachings, creating ripples of calmness and courtesy throughout our environment. It’s time to shine brightly among our families, friends and co-workers.

Activating Christian Growth

This column aims to provide practical ways to live these values. We’ll explore tips to free up time for prayer, Bible study, and quiet time with the Lord. I’ll share proven and meaningful approaches for setting the tone for the day and for winding down at night.

Christian growth is the heartbeat for future reading. Expect to be informed and fed with simple and challenging concepts to develop as a believer in Christ. Our life is our ministry, including our workplace. Prepare to be enlightened with ways to make a positive impact among co-workers and beyond.

Helpful resources and encouragement for your soul will be standard inclusions along with how to apply daily acts of service. Like a bright paisley fabric, our faith becomes tangible and colorful when we allow Christ’s teachings to guide our actions.

Living a Faith-First Lifestyle

The rewards of a faith-first lifestyle extend far beyond personal fulfillment. As we consciously choose to exemplify Christian values, we become ambassadors of Jesus, radiating His light on the world. The world needs God desperately.

We can make a difference. Our words and actions can inspire others, bring comfort to those in distress, and promote a sense of unity and understanding. Just as Jesus lived. Our relationship with God deepens, becoming a constant source of strength, comfort, and guidance.

As we embark on this exciting journey together, I encourage you to put the teachings into practice. Let us thirst to weave our faith into every aspect of our lives, creating a vibrant tapestry that bears testament to God’s unending love and grace. I invite you to share your experiences, thoughts, and insights as we learn and grow together.

More Than Words

In “Fabric of Faith”, you will find more than just words. It’s a community dedicated to uplifting each other through faith and action, aligned with Christ’s teachings. Your active readership will make this journey richer and more meaningful.

Join me as we weave our faith into the fabric of our lives, stitch by stitch, day by day. Welcome to “Fabric of Faith.”


Teresa is a 4x certified coach. Christian coach, Christian writer, and Christian speaker. To learn more about Teresa Devine visit teresadevine.com



About Teresa Devine
Teresa Devine is former Fortune 500 Executive helping busy Christians focus on faith and pivot to more purposeful living. She is the founder and CEO of Teresa Devine Co. LLC and creator of 24/7 Purpose® Academy. Teresa is a 4x certified Christian coach, Christian writer, and professional speaker. You can read more about the author here.

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