November 9, 2023

Jesus Loves You! The simple truth of those three words is something that I hope to share across the world, in a way that people can truly resonate with. Consequently, I realize that it is also one of the hardest concepts for most people to believe. You see, in saying this, you need to know that I am not just trying to reach a person who does not believe in Jesus yet. On the contrary, I am also speaking directly... Read more

November 3, 2023

God has blessed my life tremendously, of that there is no doubt. In order to share proof of that statement, it is necessary for me to share some of my business background and experience. It’s important that you know that in doing so, my purpose is not to build myself up in your eyes. Instead, it is so that I can give God the praise for all that He has allowed me to accomplish thus far, while knowing He’s not... Read more

October 25, 2023

In recent years, I have admittedly given much more thought to seeking my purpose, and pursuing my dreams. Perhaps the realization that I am not getting any younger, is contributing to the sense of urgency I feel about it now. It would certainly make sense that my age is a factor, and I’m not getting any younger, for sure! When I first took steps toward the dreams of writing in 2019, I had no idea where God might lead, but... Read more

October 22, 2023

  Literal decades of my life have passed me by, and I wonder where the time has gone. It seems like I blinked and went from my twenties to my fifties, and I assure you it has passed too quickly! During these years, I struggled to maintain balance while juggling so many different things at once. I wholeheartedly know the importance of finding balance in my faith, family and careers, but can admit that it is extremely challenging at times.... Read more

October 19, 2023

Welcome to Uniquely Constructed where faith, family, career, and purpose intertwine to show God’s faithfulness in my life! My name is Teresa, and I am thrilled to embark on this opportunity to write a column. Literal decades have passed with a single dream simmering on the backburner of my mind, biding its time, and waiting on God’s timing to be revealed. Raising a family, homeschooling children, and owning and operating a construction business alongside my husband throughout the years, left... Read more

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