November 11, 2023

There has been much in the way of recent talk of whether the Catholic church needs to undergo a Vatican III reform initiative. The proponents of a 3rd Vatican council on potential changes & reforms argue that such changes are needed to ensure that the church maintains its relevance and strength in the modern world. The Pope has, as of this writing, rejected any movement towards having a Vatican III since some of the reforms suggested during Vatican II in... Read more

November 4, 2023

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past 10 years, you must have seen the specter of socialism making its usual cyclical recurrence. You may have likewise seen some articles and stories written by politicians and ministers in some cases advocating the prospective egalitarian benefits of socialism.    We know why this happens. There is no government on Earth that is without huge flaws. Thus, our USA is no different. We have, in our times of anger, of... Read more

October 28, 2023

The “Origins” of Creation   We live in a strange time on Earth don’t we? Probably never in our history have there been so many disagreements on creation and existence. To be clear, the arguments are not really new except for the fact that we’re not only arguing within a particular faith or philosophy but due to globalism, changes in technology, literary movements, philosophy, advances in science as well as ignorance, we have achieved an ever-growing wave of questions and... Read more

October 21, 2023

Ignorance and Terrorism Terrorism and Today’s News   It’s everywhere, isn’t it? Just turn on today’s latest news and you will see extreme, sensationalistic news of explosions, buildings reduced to rubble, stunned, bloody victims being interviewed by journalists, ever-seeking stories of lament and war-induced carnage that feeds today’s news. You will also see the shadows of the very worst of humanity in the face of masked terrorists who know little of the Quran and even less of how their heinous... Read more

October 13, 2023

The ignorance, the propaganda and the politics of religion today Are you a follower of ignorance?   Recently, while flipping YouTube channels, I stopped and watched 5 minutes of the ever-misinformed standup comic turned armchair political commentator who for our purposes, we shall just refer to as “Host X”. I listened while he made it a point to support a growing percentage of atheists in the USA (which he referred to as “The Nones” since they don’t advocate for any... Read more

October 6, 2023

When we look at the sacred texts of the 3 Abrahamic religions, we see many social constructs and structures that were told via the human lens. However, such texts are considered to be the unedited word of God as told to the prophets who were credited with their writing. The question is whether any human prophet could ever really understand the word of God without subjecting it to their own lens of understanding. You know the story. In Christianity, Judaism... Read more

September 28, 2023

Man’s quest for knowledge and in fact, his very lengthy journey on the Earth leaves many questions unanswered but the one that is both the most interesting as well as the most unanswerable is “Why are we here?”. Why do we exist within this time and place? Or…as the famous philosophers such as Leibniz and Heidegger once asked “Why is there something rather than nothing at all?”   This perennial question is unanswerable in secular understanding because it is predicated... Read more

September 20, 2023

We live in a world of secular governments and pop culture. However, surprisingly, religion is on the rise on the global front. But in the U.S. and some European countries, society is largely “secular-centric” where  religion is almost never discussed in the mainstream media except to feed into political party polarization and sensationalism. According to a Pew Research Center study,  religious topics represented less than 1% of all news media coverage and most of that content was focused on religious... Read more

September 12, 2023

In our secular public schools, religious history and literacy is never taught or taught well and thus, many people, young or old, fail to learn that many of the most coveted principles & laws within our secular, global governments evolved from religious doctrine as well as ancient philosophy. The U.S. and other countries where Christianity still reigns as the most prominent religion in practice, often fail to acknowledge that their “morally” inspired laws are primarily a function of biblical principles. ... Read more

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