Find Some New Voices – Witchy and Pagan YouTuber Recommendations

Find Some New Voices – Witchy and Pagan YouTuber Recommendations August 3, 2023

I get ideas, inspirations, and knowledge from a variety of places. I love books, but at the same time I also like to just listen to something while working on other projects. YouTube can be great for that. So instead of recommending you some books today, I thought I would introduce you to some YouTubers that I personally enjoy, and that I feel puts out some solid content.


Ivy the Occultist

I have only recently discovered Ivy myself, but she has become my personal top person to watch on Youtube. Although some of her stuff could be viewed as beginner content in a way, she is mainly catering to those who are more intermediate/ advanced. This is a breath of fresh air considering almost everyone else sticks with more beginner geared content.

Although I will never consider myself any type of strict label, such as chaos magician, again – a good portion of what she says aligns with me. How she views certain things, works certain magic, even thoughts on some controversial areas, is very resonate of my own. I like a variety of voices that are opposite of me, to challenge my own ways, but it is nice to find one that isn’t.

Although Ivy is fairly new to YouTube, she puts out a lot of content consistently. Her personal style leans to Chaos magic and all that it entails – but I think more people also lean towards that style in some form or fashion without even realizing it.

She has definitely made the list of people I recommend to others!

The Norse Witch

I really enjoy her presentation and content. She is very authentic and open about her personal views and practices. She is a Norse Pagan and it makes much of her framework, but she also builds and follows her own practice.

Whether you are new or old in the craft, if you lean more to the Norse side of things, I think you will really enjoy her. Although she does have a lot of beginner content, she gets very personal with all of it – talking and showing her own personal practices. She also does not shy away from sharing her own experiences, good and bad – again authenticity at the forefront.


The Witch Of Wonderlust

Ok, so most of you probably already know her. She has been around a really long time, and I have watched her for almost that full time. She does a variety of content, including talking about various books, interviews with other practitioners, shares some of her own practices, but she is one of the mainstays I recommend for beginners. She has a ton of content, on a variety of topics, and almost all of it is geared to beginners. She is super aesthetic so the videos are always well curated and melting you into the witchy head-space.

The reason she is one of the top people I suggest to new people is because of her style. Not telling you what to do, not giving you rules, just sharing a different perspectives and possibilities. She also has a video on just about any general witchy subject you can imagine, including recommendations for other sources on the topic to encourage deeper study. Although her stuff has been shifting a little over the past couple of years – we all have to grow – for the most part it still is aligned to magical practice.


Arith Harger

Arith is another long time youtuber with a tons of videos and information to dive into. I personally have been watching him for about 5-6 years now. Most of his content does take a more scholarly approach, but I appreciate the way it is presented, along with the stories and perspectives he shares of material.

Over the last couple of years he has been shifting from more scholarly to more personal sharing, which has been awesome. Getting more personal, sharing his personal perspectives, and peaks into his own practices.

Arith’s core content is Norse/ Germanic/ Animistic topics and perspectives, yet he too is also branching out a bit more. If you are looking for information, or exploring these areas, Arith should definitely be one of the resources you look at.


The Heretical Witch

I am fairly new to listen to her, but I think she will be the one I point to for those who are connecting to, or connected to, The Morrigan. The Morrigan is her main topic, but not from a historic way. It is about actually working with, communicating with, and modern living with The Morrigan.

She does tend to riled up and jump down some rabbit holes at times, but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, just something to note. I appreciate though, that she isn’t concerned and walking on eggshells like most other voices who put out content on The Morrigan. This allows her to just be open and honest about her own experiences and messages she gets from The Morrigan.

Many of our messages have been very resonate from The Morrigan on a community scale, even if we may view that message from a different angle. I do respect that she just puts it all out there and ignores the craziness that can happen within The Morrigan’s community.

If you are connected to or working with The Morrigan – I highly recommend checking her out. You may need to watch 2 or 3 videos though before making up your mind about her, especially if you don’t vibe with her right away, but I think you will really enjoy her.

Ending Thoughts

These are not all the people I listen to, and my tastes change as I change, but these are some that I feel have really good content, presentation style, and different perspectives to expand upon. They are also ones I personally look forward to hearing from and seeing what they are putting out there.

Depending on the topic being asked of me – at least one of these people will most likely be in my recommendation to explore further.

What Witchy/ Pagan person has caught your attention lately, or someone you have loved watching on YouTube?

Author, Medium, Seeker, Guide - Instructor of the Death's Emissary course You are building your own path, your own connections, and shaping your own destiny. We can inspire others through sharing - we can Guide through our own experiences - but each of us must walk our own path. You can read more about the author here.

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