Spirit of Animals and What They Can Teach Us

Spirit of Animals and What They Can Teach Us June 14, 2023

Animals can be amazing Guides and messengers for us. Their spirits, and physical forms, giving clues to deeper secrets hidden within nature.

The following five animals are the ones Kari uses to show me His lessons and sends messages through. The Squirrel, Bear, Owl, Hawk, and Reindeer. Below you will find the aspects associated with Kari and deeper explanations of the lessons they hold for us.

An American red squirrel – by NPR


Planning and Preparation – a Strategic Mind

Playful – Adaptable

The Trickster

Secrets – Trust – Communication

The spirit of the squirrel teaches us many lessons.

How to show respect to the people and world around us. Respecting and celebrating in our differences, because we need those differences to grow and evolve. If we all thought the same, held the same perspectives, then our innovation – what we create would be severely limited. We need those different and opposing perspective and opinions to help us see the bigger picture. Through the debate and exploration of our differences, we learn the crucial skill of critical thinking. Through critical thinking, we develop a strategic mind.

The playful and adaptive nature teaches us to use our imagination when confronted with a problem. There is more than one way to resolve an issue, and sometimes we need to get creative to find the best solution. Their playful nature also reminds us, that not everything is a serious as we make it out to be. There are times we need to just let go and enjoy life as it is right now. Not perfect, but giving time to the things that make us happy, fill us with joy, and have no bigger purpose.

Squirrels are problem solvers. They know there is not just one solution to a problem, or one way to do something. They look from all available perspectives to find the best options.

Close observation and awareness, using all their senses including their intuition, to uncover all the hidden aspects. We have to slow down and develop our senses to be able to spot the things others miss. It is the small details that can make or break the goal we are trying to achieve.

Honesty and harmony between our thought – our intention – our emotions creates the right vibration of our Voice. If we are thinking one way, but our emotions are pulling in an opposite direction, this will create discord in the vibration and destroy the intention you are trying to manifest. Think of it in terms of music – You have a very upbeat and happy melody yet the words are that of despair and sorrow. The two sides are not cohesive and thus the listener will be confused and have conflicting perspectives of it. This also applies to aspects of communication. If we are not communicating with honesty, if there is conflict between our thoughts, emotions, and intention, then this will be revealed within the words we speak.

The Trickster

The Trickster is the Archetype the Squirrel represents.

First we will go into Kari’s words on this –

“They Destroy so they can build. Making the choices of “what” by using all their senses – knowledge – intuition, and accepting the consequences of those choices.”

It is a battle between the light and the dark – yet the goal of both is to protect life. They move in shades of gray.

The World is malleable. Ever moving and changing. The storms in cycles of deconstruction and re-configuring, yet ever moving forward.

Their acts are not without purpose, and that purpose is to bring harmony. A strong and honest Ruler that is entrusted with secrets – so their perception of a situation holds more knowledge than what is seen.

They celebrate each win, yet understand the cost of it. Knowing each is only a moment, for every challenge is a battle, not a war.”

We have been conditioned that the trickster is a bad character. That they create havoc for their own pleasure. The archetype of the Trickster though is not that way at all. They use manipulation and trickery in order to illuminate the things others do not see or are unwilling to see. Shifting perspective and the minds of others in order to create an outcome that benefits all concerned and a place of harmony that they could not see on their own. Every choice the Trickster makers has purpose and meaning – it may seem like a “trick” to you, yet what is revealed in that trick is real. Humans are stubborn and can be very narrow sighted. Through his playful antics and skillful manipulations, the Trickster is able to force new sight, new knowledge, and new perspectives that are needed.

The Bear

Hibernation – Meditation – Healing

Strength – the Warrior and Protector – guardian – courage – powerful – dangerous – not backing down

Perspective – Balance – cycles – seasons – time – sound

Independent – Hardworking

Intuition – mysticism – divination – clarity

self knowledge – – confront and over come fears – enlightenment through self contemplation – seeking answers within (introspection)

self care

The Bear has more to do with our inner self, our person, than the outside world.

It’s hibernation aspects are about going within ourselves, to learn about ourselves, to heal ourselves, and create the spaces needed within ourselves to move forward. When a bear hibernates it is not cut off from the world. Its senses are still keenly aware of what is going on in the world around it, but its focus is on the world within itself. In this state is where self healing happens. Illuminating our fears and confronting them. Healing ourselves by letting go of a past that can not be changed, and building our strength through guardianship of the self.

The bear takes us deep. Giving us an understanding of perspective, personal truth, and time. How everything, every pattern we encounter, is a cycle that repeats over and over like the seasons. Not the actions and results of the cycle, but the structure it follows. Showing us what parts are fated and unchangeable, and the others that are depending on the choices and actions we choose. It shows us that truth is a matter of perspective. The truth you see, born from your experiences and vantage point, may not be the same truth as another. Letting go of the idea of universal truth and embracing the possibilities of many truth existing at the same time.

The Bear is also focused on self care. An aspect that is diminished in the society we live in. The bear has respect for the others who inhabit its world, but knows the importance of guarding and protecting the self. Knowing its own self worth and standing in the power of it. It does not go looking for a fight, but it is ready for when another brings one to it. It does not look to dominate – but it will protect itself without hesitation.

Photo by All About Birds

The Hawk

Clarity – Far sighted – Visionary

Awareness – intuitive – seeing hidden motivations – observation

Honesty – holding honor

Silence – not giving away your plan until it is happening

Guarding that which is sacred

Sun – Fire – Action

Messenger – Sage – Heirophant


The Hawk is a representation of the way Kari views Leadership.

There are many components that make the difference between a good leader and a bad one.

Honesty is a crucial point. This does not mean telling everyone everything – silence is important too – but it does mean that the words you speak are honest ones. Yes, feelings may be hurt, but lying will create more hurt and real destruction in the end. Trust is a delicate thing. It takes time, energy, and consistency to build, and in one moment it can be shattered – never to be the same again.

A Leader must be honest in their words and their actions, thus making their words and actions the same. To be honest in word, they must be honest in emotion, thought, and intention, otherwise the Voice falters.

Silence is connected to honesty. Being honest does not mean you have to reveal everything. This is actually counterproductive. A good leader sees all sides, they see things that others do not. Because of this expanded knowledge and the development of a skillful mind, they are able to effectively use discernment and find the best solutions for all involved.

A strong leader also does not give away their plans until they are either in action or completed. By telling people what you will do, allows others the opportunity to thwart or interfere with those plans. There are times to share and there are times to remain silent.

Silence is also important in guardianship. We are faced with perceived battles all the time. People who try to intimidate or demean others through words. People who talk smack but have nothing to back it. People who do things we personal dislike but isn’t directly affecting us in any way. These are just a few examples but you get the understanding. There are times when going to battle is necessary. To protect the things that are truly important to us, the people and that which we hold sacred. Much of what we encounter though, are battles others are trying to wage and that we just need to walk away from. This is not weakness, it shows strength of character. Being a leader puts you in the spotlight – and those who are illuminated will be attacked the hardest. When we wage a war, it is not just about us because we will not be the only ones affected.

The hawk has a keen sight and awareness of what their senses are taking in. They have to move swiftly, so they must be able to process this information in the mind swiftly. This does not mean they are not cautious, it means they have developed wisdom through experience and this wisdom aids in quick decision making when necessary.

This wisdom also allows them to have greater vision than others. They can see beyond the trappings of unlearned minds. The subtle conditioning in society that leads to repetitive, unsuccessful ways of thinking and advancing in the world. The hawk does not keep this for themselves. They use it in order to create a better world for others. They show new ways through stories and inspirations, to allow the unlearned mind to see the new vision.

Honor, like trust, is something earned. Earned through our actions and our words – the choices we make. It is earned by how we judge and pass judgment on others. Is it for Justice or Vengeance – the line between is thin. Earned by how we treat others, especially those who are different from us or below us in a societal structure. If we treat those who are different in ways that differ from those who resemble us – then we are dishonoring ourselves as much as we are dishonoring them.

Connected to the power of the sun and wind. The sun creating waves, currents within the air for the hawk to soar and glide in. It uses what is available to better its advantage and achieve its goals. The sun gives it power, the wind gives it movement.

Barred Owl – photographer unfound

The Owl

Wisdom born of experience

The Liminal Time – Nature and Spirit together

Power of Voice

Wisdom is born from the cycle of gathering knowledge, experiencing that knowledge, and reflecting with honest eyes. When we explore, we are gathering knowledge. If we look at that knowledge through various and conflicting perspectives, we see the larger picture, the underlying cycles and patterns they are connected to. Then we put that knowledge to the test. Experimenting, altering it, adding and removing things. With a critical mind and raw honesty we reflect upon all of it. What worked, what didn’t. Why certain things failed and how they could be altered to work or be improved. Until we start to see what really works for us– where truth lays for us. Through this endless process we are gaining Wisdom.

Owls are the masters of the liminal times and spaces. Dawn and Dusk. Living in both the light and the dark. Their senses taking in all that can be seen and that which is unseen. The perfect hunter without the disadvantages of belonging to one or the other – the day or the night. The liminal represents the place where the world of spirit and world of the physical overlap – where they exist together in the same space and visible to each other.

Spirit Walkers – Seidkonas – Mediums, all walk and live with one foot in each world all the time. Never belonging to either but moving between both. A trait shared with the owl. As Kari’s magic resides within Galdr, and in turn Seidr, the owl plays a pivotal role for His Seidkonas.

Owls have a very unique voice with various pitches. Most people can easily identify them when heard, even if they are not seen. They are one of the most recognized bird sounds. The Barred Owl in particular has a very high pitched screech, that sounds like a woman screaming or keening. For me this is the owl that represents Kari. It directly speaks to His form of Galdr – being sung in high vibration – and linked to the calling in of the spirits and the Seidkona’s spirit outward journey.

Reindeers in natural environment, Tromso region, Northern Norway – by BBC Wildlife Magazine

The Reindeer

See beyond human eyes

Warming of the Breath – Breath of Life

Sure Footed – Adaptability – Survival – Cycles

Community / Family oriented


Inner Strength – Long Journeys


Wisdom – Clever – Creativity – Inventiveness – Endurance

Grounding – Focus

Creature of Magic – Faith

The Reindeer is Kari’s primary animal and the one brings all the others together.

Reindeer have unique adaptations to them, that have allowed them to not only survive in the harsher, colder climates, but to thrive there. Their eyes see exclusively in the UV spectrum – which means they see things that the human eye can not. It was developed to adapt and move better through their environment – the snowy north. In the winter, blanketed in snow, and the sun reflecting off of it, creates an environment difficult to navigate with our eyes. By seeing in the UV spectrum, reindeer are able to navigate and see their whole environment, including predictors that may be lurking in wait. Their respiratory system is also unique. As they breath in the cold arctic air, it passes through a system that warms the air before it hits the lungs. Without this ability, the air would be harsh on the lungs, slowing them down, and possibly even killing them with enough exposure. It also cools the air as it is breathed out, preventing condensation and ice build up around the nose and face. The last system we will talk about is their feet. Reindeer are able to alter the shape of their feet through their foot pads. It the winter months the foot pad shrinks, exposing the hard hoof rims that cut into the ice and snow ensuring stable footing. In the warmer months when the snow is melting and the ground is soft and muddy, the foot pad expands providing extra traction and stabilizing their movements.

Like the reindeer, our journey with Kari not only teaches us, but instills in us the skills necessary to adapt to various changing environments. Being able to adapt and navigate through ever changing terrain is vital for any leader’s survival, and makes life in general much easier for any person. It’s not enough to just recognize the patterns, cycles, and changes happening, but to stay surefooted and confident through them.

Reindeer are built for the long journey, and can migrate over 3,000 miles a year. Our spiritual and physical journeys are not a sprint, they span across our lifetime. Each stage bringing something new, letting go of something old, and filled with many transformations big and small. Circumstances change with time, back and forth – up and down. Sometimes things are wonderful, and sometimes we are being overtaken by storms. Being able to understand that every circumstance is just a point in that long journey, and the choices we make in them will determine the next, we can build endurance to get through anything.

Reindeer are heavily concerned with Family and Community, as is Kari. The choices made, the skills learned, the way He leads is about more than Himself. As a Leader He was responsible for all of those around Him. Their safety was His safety. When they thrived, He thrived. When they were threatened, He was threatened. Although our families and communities all look different, some chosen, some not, they are still a part of us. The highs and lows they experience are ones we will experience as well to some degree. Thus it is in our benefit to ensure the whole community thrives together.

Resourcefulness goes along with adaptability. When faced with a difficult or challenging situation, it is not enough to just be able to adapt to the changing circumstance, but also find ways to use that circumstance to gain the upper hand. To have a creative mind to see the good even in the worst situation, so you can turn a disadvantage into an advantage.

All of these animals play a role, and offer us clues, to the lessons and skills Kari can offer us through partnership with Him. This is not just true for Kari, but any Guide or Deity. To see deeper, to explore Their lessons in new ways, look to the animals you associate with Them.

I am an avid explorer and believe experimentation is the key to growth. Science and Magic are not competitors, they work together to help us understand and alter the world. Magic and Spirituality is personal – the bonds we build, the skills we hone, how we practice, all of this being developed along our journey. The rules and limitations are those of you and nature, not another person.” - Author, Oracle/ Tarot Reader, Liminal Walker, and Spiritual Guide for those wanting to build their own path and connections You can read more about the author here.

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