Simple Witchery: Blue Moon with Mercury Retrograde

Simple Witchery: Blue Moon with Mercury Retrograde August 25, 2023

Mercury, smallest planet and closest to the sun in our solar system, went retrograde on August 23, one week before the full Blue Moon cresting on August 31. Can the seemingly opposite energetic influence of these two phenomena work in magical conjunction?

Can the energetic influences of the Blue Moon and Mercury retrograde be used together? Photo by Anton Kraev on Unsplash.

The planet Mercury is named for the winged messenger god of the Roman pantheon. As such, Mercury rules communication, decision making, logistics and travel. It’s interesting to note the connection between communication and travel in phraseology such as lost in translation, you lost me there, or I’m losing you when cell phone signals falter.

But does Mercury’s retrograde truly mess with our communications and conveyance?

Until the planet goes direct on September 14, and for a shadow period of about two weeks following that, cautious witches believe it does and tread lightly in these energetic realms. Then, there are those who give the retrograde little thought, regarding the warnings as baseless superstition and placing no significance on any possible influence to their magical workings or their mundane life.

Mercury retrograde is nothing to fear. First of all, retrograde motion is an illusion. All planets in the solar system move in the same direction around the sun, but Mercury’s orbit is shorter than ours, completing its rotation in 88 days rather than 365. This means it laps the Earth a few times annually. Think of it this way. If you are zipping along on a moving walkway (like those found in airports), the people ambulating with their own two feet in the corridor next to you, seem to be moving backwards as you pass by.

All of the planets have retrograde periods. And think about this—the Earth itself goes retrograde when observed from other planets. Would intelligent life on those planets be concerned about troublesome influences on grounding and stability, physical sustenance, fertility?

A planet appearing to move backwards would have caused wonder and curiosity for ancient astronomers. Photo from NASA at Raw Pixel.

So why all the fuss about Mercury retrograde? For our ancient astronomers, who didn’t yet understand that the planets in our solar system orbit the Sun rather than the Earth, the appearance of a planet moving backwards would have been cause for great wonder. Today, the frequency of Mercury retrogrades, along with the significant aspects of modern life thought to be influenced, account for all the attention.

Retrograde Influence on Moon Phases

Far more rare than Mercury’s retrogrades, a blue moon usually occurs only once every two or three years. This holds true whether it’s the second moon in a calendar month, or the fourth moon in a seasonal quarter marked by equinoxes and solstices.

When working with the influences of the moon, the waxing phase from new to full is best for attraction or increase, and a good time for planning and preparing. The full moon is for manifesting and executing. The waning moon lends itself to decrease and release, warding or binding. The same magical correspondences are amplified with a blue moon. For more about working with the moon’s phases read Moon Magic: The Ultimate Versatility, by Katrina Rasbold.

Each phase of the moon lends distinct energetic influences to your magick. Image by Placidplace on Pixabay.

Magic is very much about intention and intention is entirely about communication. Being cautious during a Mercury retrograde seems at odds with working magic for attraction or increase. But, you can certainly cast a spell to increase clear understanding and communication. You can craft an amulet with a blue stone that corresponds to communication, such as sodalite or turquoise. You can work on balancing your throat chakra.

Consider, too, working your magic around words with an RE prefix. From now until the full moon take time to rewind, reflect, reminisce, reassess, reconsider, renew, rebound.

Cleanse your altar tools, crystals and adornments of lingering miasma and confusion, charge them with clarity and purpose instead. Cast a protection spell on your vehicle, warding breakdowns, accidents and wrong turns.

Dress an altar candle with fennel, rosemary, and lavender.

Craft an aura spray using lavender, and sage to invoke wisdom. Add clear quartz and a blue stone of your choice to enhance communication. Spray in your aura and around your spaces.

Make a small charm bag using herbs, stones and talismans to protect your electronic devices. I have a typewriter-shaped charm I use for this, but pictures will work just as well, folded and tucked in your charm bag.

Create a simple ritual to harness the energy of the Blue Moon on August 31st. Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash.

Timing Your Magic to The Moon

Near the full moon, reinforce your boundaries and protections around communication; build reticence and restraint to think before you speak.

On the night of the 31st, harness the full energy of the Blue Moon with a simple ritual designed to empower your communication and ward negative energies. You will need:

  • A white or blue candle
  • Fireproof container
  • Printed image of The Moon and Queen of Swords tarot cards
  • A pen to write with
  • A clear quartz crystal
  • A blue crystal or stone of your choice that corresponds with communication
  • Fennel seed and dried basil (optional)

Gather your supplies then take a moment to contemplate the tarot card images. The moon represents illusion and uncertainty, incomplete or missing information, confusion, and trying to see your way in the dark. The Queen of Swords is all about rational thought and direct communication; she has mental clarity. She is a seeker of truth and she tells it like it is.

Place the candle on a firesafe surface. Place your crystals on either side of the candle.

On the back of the Moon image, list the negative aspects of Mercury retrograde you wish to banish, like illusion, miscommunication, misunderstanding, misdirections, malfunctions, feeling lost, bewildered, etc. On the back of the Queen of Swords, list positive attributes such as clarity, understanding, direct communication, clear vision, insight.

Place the Queen image face up and sprinkle with fennel seed (protection from negative energies) and basil (enhance reason and thinking). Place the Moon image face down over the Queen and then roll the two into a slender tube, twisting at both ends.

Light the candle and focus on the flame while chanting:

“Knowledge, wisdom and enlightenment prevail
That this spell shall not fail.”

 Meditate for a few moments to focus your thoughts and set your intention for clearing yourself of any murky energy, creating a clean slate to manifest your desires, chanting:

“Element of fire purify
free my mind
from illusion and deceit of any kind
Clearly I see what must be seen
Surely I’m led where I’m meant to be.”

Light one end of the printed images in the candle flame. Place in the fireproof container and allow to burn. Envision the Queen’s powers growing with the flame and the uncertainty of the Moon diminishing. Pass your crystals through the smoke one at a time, chanting:

“This charge I lay upon these stones
to reveal what must be known

to guide my way
in where I go and what I say.
for the greatest good and least of harm

I now empower this charm
So mote it be.”

Let the paper burn out. Extinguish the candle. You can pour any melted wax over the ashes and mix together, then bury outside or toss into moving water. Keep your crystals nearby. I often use beads that I can incorporate in a bracelet or slide onto a necklace.

Continue magick for releasing and repelling negative energy until Mercury retrograde draws to a close along with the Blue Moon on September 14.

With a few simple tweaks and careful timing, you can sail through Mercury retrograde and into the magic of this Blue Moon.

Mercury retrograde and the Blue Moon both draw to a close on September 14. Image by N-region on Pixabay.

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About Willow Rose
Willow Rose is a writer, artist and wildcraft witch living in northern WI. After more than 30 years of practicing and exploring many paths, she is distilling her magic to its purest form—practical magic for everyday enchantment. You can read more about the author here.

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