November 16, 2023

Hate Crimes – two words that stir a deep unease in the heart, more so in times when the world is torn by conflicts like the Israeli-Palestinian war. The recent escalation, marked by Israel’s ground invasion against Hamas, has had far-reaching consequences. The conflict has trapped nearly 400,000 people in Gaza City and led to significant loss of life, with estimates of around 1,300 Israelis and 10,000 Palestinians killed​​. Ultimately, this external strife has a mirrored reflection in the United... Read more

November 14, 2023

Imagine, if you will, a spiritual path where the mystical realms of Paganism intertwine with the longstanding traditions of Old/Liberal Catholicism. Many term this tradition ‘ChristoPaganism’. It’s a blend that’s gaining traction in today’s diverse spiritual scene. In this article, I’m going to do my best to delve into the attraction of combining these faiths, exploring the unique spiritual tapestry they create together. The Appeal of ChristoPaganism ChristoPaganism resonates with those seeking a spiritual path that mirrors their diverse and... Read more

November 8, 2023

Pagan simplicity, to some, may sound impossible. We tend to have large, ornate altars and shrines and one (or many) bookshelves full of various topics on Paganism, magick, and the occult in general. To others, though, the idea of Pagan simplicity is something to strive for. So, which is better?   Pagan Simplicity in Daily Practice I think simplicity and minimalism can be interpreted in many different ways. For me, the word choice and magickal operations of various rituals or... Read more

November 6, 2023

A structure adorned with carvings of Old Gods, animals, and symbols sits in a forest clearing. Nestled under the gable above the threshold, a large set of antlers looms. There are braziers full of charcoal and ash that line the pathway leading up to the large, ornate doors. This is a Pagan Monastery. Except, it doesn’t exist. When someone thinks about what a Pagan Monastery would look like, they may picture something like what I’ve described above. Or they might... Read more

November 5, 2023

Recently, a fellow Druid posed a question to me: What is the ‘aim’ or ‘goal’ in magick/spirituality/mysticism? I found that to be an intriguing question. On one hand, we often work with magick and spirituality as if we have an aim or goal in mind, but other times it may seem lost on us completely. So, then, what is the goal?   The Reason Perhaps it’s best that we first look at the reason why we pursue our spirituality or... Read more

November 3, 2023

  I’ve always found it to be interesting that some deities are more likely to make themselves known to you more quickly than others. In my case, Cernunnos was the deity that first welcomed me into paganism. While I had a feeling Brighid was near, the Goddess of The Flame was slower in her approach.   Who is Brighid? Brighid is quite prominent in many different cultures and a few different theologies/mythologies. She is known by many names: Bride, Brigantia,... Read more

November 2, 2023

I wasn’t always a fan of the holiday that most of America refers to as ‘Halloween’. As a matter of fact, I loathed it. I found that the weather was depressing and It was the precursor for the icy chill of winter. These days, I see Samhain (pronounced SOW-en)as representing new beginnings and the planting of seeds that can be nurtured through the darkness of winter.   What is Samhain? I came across this article by Author Jason Mankey that... Read more

November 1, 2023

I’ve always been on a quest for finding inner peace. When I took my vows earlier this year (May 1st, to be exact), I understood the reason for wanting to live a contemplative lifestyle. One of the major reasons was that I wanted more peace in my life. Sure, in comparison to the lives of many others, my life would be considered ‘peaceful’. But still, there was an inner peace that I longed for. I had experienced inner peace and... Read more

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