New Thought Spirituality and Battling Postpartum Challenges

New Thought Spirituality and Battling Postpartum Challenges August 21, 2023

New Thought Spirituality and Battling Postpartum Challenges
New Thought Spirituality and Battling Postpartum Challenges

Reflecting on how new thought spirituality helped me during the postpartum phase, I hold my 4-month old baby close. I think about friends who are now entering the crazy world of becoming new mothers too. I’m inspired to note the things that I believe helped me. As mothers, we have to be present for each other. The journey into motherhood is a beautiful experience, but it can also bring a myriad of emotional, physical, and psychological challenges. As Kelly Van Zandt says in her book, Powerful Postpartum: Exploring the Spiritual Significance of Early Motherhood, “…you acclimate to your new reality.” She tinkers more with the Vedic approaches, but her points are universal. The process of adjustment can be extremely difficult.

Postpartum issues, often shrouded in silence, can cast a shadow on this wonderful phase. However, during these moments of vulnerability, the principles of New Thought spirituality can offer solace, strength, and transformative tools to navigate the intricate landscape of postpartum challenges.

Spirituality and the Battle Against Postpartum Pain

New Thought spirituality recognizes the profound connection between our thoughts, emotions, and physical well-being. This holistic perspective encouraged me to cultivate self-awareness and embrace my emotions without judgment. During postpartum, feelings of overwhelming anxiety, and even depression can arise. By acknowledging and processing these emotions, one can initiate a healing journey that nurtures both mind and body.

Affirmations – which people of other practices may call prayer are a cornerstone of the New Thought spiritual lifestyle. It is a practice of aligning with the divine Source and affirming positive outcomes. Those grappling with postpartum issues can harness the power of affirmations to reframe their thoughts and perceptions. By focusing on phrases that nurture self-love, inner strength, and resilience, they can gradually shift from self-doubt to self-empowerment.

That said, it is important to cultivate mindfulness. Mindfulness, a practice of being present in the moment, aligns beautifully with the core tenets of New Thought spirituality. When facing postpartum challenges you can find solace in mindfulness techniques that ground you in the present. As you let go of worries about the past or future, this creates a space for healing, acceptance, and a renewed connection to your inner self. Furthermore, those intrusive thoughts that plague the minds of new mothers can be quelled or at least controlled better. 

Intention for Healing and Self-Care as a Spiritual Practice

New Thought spirituality encourages the conscious setting of intentions for desired outcomes. For women navigating postpartum issues, setting an intention and goal for healing, emotional well-being, and self-empowerment can help achieve contentment. This practice helps them channel their energy and focus toward the positive transformation they seek.

Connection and Community

Central to New Thought practice is the recognition of the interconnectedness of all beings. For women navigating postpartum issues, reaching out for support is a transformative step. Engaging with like-minded individuals, whether through spiritual groups, online communities, or support networks, offers a sense of belonging and understanding that lightens the burden of isolation. I was very fortunate to have fellow new mothers to bond with. For instance, we laugh at the fact that many weeks go by where we send each other nothing but relatable Tiktok videos and Instagram Reels. Our connection has kept us all feeling a sense of support. The small validations we share go a long way – as does our joint recognition of mindfulness.

Spirituality is a Powerful Tool During the Postpartum Stage

Undoubtably, New Thought spirituality helped me as I navigated postpartum issues. I believe it would offer many other women the same benefits. However, it is important to realize that no matter what religion or spiritual narrative one subscribes to, these practices provide tools to navigate the postpartum period with grace and strength. By embracing the principles of self-awareness, positive affirmations, self-care, connection, mindfulness, and intention-setting, women can embrace a journey of healing, empowerment, and growth. New Thought Spirituality helps to shift the view of postpartum challenges so we can see them as stepping stones toward profound self-discovery and renewal.

About Robzie Trulove
Robzie is an author, award-winning drummer, and storytelling enthusiast. With a deep-rooted passion for philosophy, theology, and the arts, Robzie's creative endeavors extend beyond mere self-expression. As a creative-activist, she co-founded a nonprofit organization based in Washington, DC, known as This Could Go Boom. The organization's primary mission is to champion the voices of marginalized artists within the music industry. After her pregnancy, she discovered a new calling: advocating for individuals expecting or raising small children and families. Recognizing the alarming lack of attention and protection given to this demographic, she has decided to share resources, information and support. You can read more about the author here.

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