(Vlog) Oh Give Thanks: Gratitude Attitude Miracles

(Vlog) Oh Give Thanks: Gratitude Attitude Miracles November 14, 2022

by Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos

A Gratitude Attitude puts us in the Flow of Abundance, to the place of Miracles where the Law of Attraction lives. Oh, give thanks! Are you ready to stop rowing your boat up the stream and start to go with the flow? Experience the joy of letting-go-and-letting-God by allowing your Guardian Angels to guide you to the Miracle of Abundance on the River of Gratitude. Don’t worry. Your Angels know the way.

Our Guardian Angels are always with us, but when they answer prayers and requests as simple as, “Parking Angel, please help!” does your gratitude ever defy words? Do you want to break out in song and sing their praise in thanks? That is what my Dreaming Healing Video Podcast guests did. Yup! They sang their gratitude at the end of the show, posted below for your viewing pleasure. Rev. Wanda Butler and Rev. Jon Scott of First Unity Spiritual Campus St. Pete, FL. lived their gratitude by explaining the Gratitude Attitude in detail so you can join in the joy, shift into a Gratitude Attitude, go with the flow, and thrive despite a life-and-death crisis like illness. Bring the Gratitude Attiude into your family, relationships, and parenting.  Oh, give thanks!

When diagnosed with breast cancer recurrence, I felt frightened and alone for an excellent reason; few women survived advanced-stage recurrence. But it did not take long to realize I was never alone and that we are never alone. We are all born with Guardian Angels. We are their job, and they take their job seriously.

Angels guide us in our dreams. Our dreams are the umbilical cord that reaches through the Sacred Doorwaysof space and time to Divine Messages that connect us to God.  

After years of treatment that made me sicker than the disease, I finally let go and let God. I let go of the struggle to row upstream and let God take over my crisis with the words, “I surrender myself to You. Do with me as You will. Thy will be done!” My complete surrender allowed an army of angels to take the ores, row me gently down the stream of life, attract the right people to me at the right time, and manifest the miracle of a complete recovery. Oh, Give Thanks!

There is only one rule: The Rule of Permission. To receive, you must ask. Why? Because the Rule of Permission does two crucial things.

Firstly, it does not allow for interference between realms, no matter how noble the action, and ensures that we know what we want.

“Know what I want?” You may say, “Of course, I know what I want!”

How often have you received “help” from a well-meaning family member, workmate, or friend that was not what you wanted? Perhaps you thought they were interfering while they felt helpful. Did it create an awkward situation or, worse, the end of a relationship? What If…  they had asked permission. If only… you had expressed exactly what you wanted. Perhaps….

Secondly, The Rule of Permission keeps your angels on track for what you do and do not want and you in gratitude. And a Gratitude Attitude keeps the blessings flowing.

I learned these Permission and Gratitude Lessons while praying for guidance to survive advanced cancer recurrence that was first diagnosed in my dreams by Heavenly Intervention and then validated by medical pathology reports. My angels used diagnostic, prophetic, and guided dreams to share profound healing and nutritional information that guided me to full recovery.

Because of Angelic Intervention, I am alive today to share my gratitude story and podcast with you. I did not go into remission or learn how to live with cancer. Heavenly Intervention and my Gratitude Attitude healed me. I have been cancer free for almost 25 years and live a life of abundance. It’s a miracle. I give thanks!

So, the next time you need help with something as insignificant as finding a parking space or something as profound as saving your life, raise your voice by word or song to Heaven. Specify your request to your Guardian Angels, or dare to surrender to God. Go with the flow. And remember, a Gratitude Attitude is a powerful power behind the flow, so, Oh, Give Thanks!


Please Enjoy Your Dreaming Healing: “O Give Thanks!” Video Podcast



About the Author: Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos: aka The Queen of Dreams Syndicated Columnist, PR Guru, VIDEO Podcaster/Show Host Dreaming Healing, 3-time Breast Cancer Survivor, multi-award-winning author, and Dream Expert seen on Dr. Oz, DOCTORS, NBC, & CBS. Divine Dreams diagnose her illness. Kat and Duke U Radiologist Dr. Larry Burk co-wrote, (2018 Nautilus Award Winner) Dreams That Can Save Your Life. She’s an Author/Publisher/Lecturer/Inspirational Keynote who promotes patient advocacy and connecting with Divine guidance through Dreams. “Don’t tell God how big your problems are. Tell your problems how big your God is.” Learn more @  www.KathleenOKeefeKanavos.com


Photo Credit:

February 24, 2020
March 22, 2020
February 23, 2017
November 9, 2018
About Kathleen O'Keefe-Kanavos
Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos: aka The Queen of Dreams Syndicated Columnist, PR Guru, VIDEO Podcaster/Show Host Dreaming Healing, 3-time Breast Cancer Survivor, multi-award-winning author, and Dream Expert seen on Dr. Oz, DOCTORS, NBC, & CBS. Divine Dreams diagnose her illness. Kat and Duke U Radiologist Dr. Larry Burk co-wrote, (2018 Nautilus Award Winner) Dreams That Can Save Your Life. She’s an Author/Publisher/Lecturer/Inspirational Keynote who promotes patient advocacy and connecting with Divine guidance through Dreams. “Don’t tell God how big your problems are. Tell your problems how big your God is.” Learn more @  www.KathleenOKeefeKanavos.com You can read more about the author here.

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